Setting up enrolment deposits to pay fees in advance

To set up Synergetic to process fees in advance:

  1. Select Module > System > Finance Configuration Maintenance.
  2. Click on the Debtors tab.
  3. Click on the Page 2 sub-tab.
  4. Ensure that Enrolment Deposits Integrated with Debtor Fees is selected.
    See Synergetic Financial Configuration - Debtors tab - Page 2 sub-tab in the Finance manual.
    Note: You can also access the Enrolment Deposits Integrated with Debtor Fees checkbox under the Enrolment Deposits tab. See Synergetic Financial Configuration - Enrolment Deposits tab in the Finance manual.
  5. Select Module > System > Lookup Tables Maintenance - Finance.
  6. Find luDebtorAutoTuition.
  7. Create an Auto Tuition Code for Fees In Advance. See luDebtorAutoTuition lookup table in the Finance manual.
  8. Create an Auto Tuition Code for the Fees In Advance Rebate. This is the difference between the fee the debtor has prepaid and the relevant year's fee. It ensures the debtor does not owe more money if the tuition fees increase after their deposit.
    Note: Any concession entry listed above the rebate in the Auto Tuition Sequence is included in the rebate calculation. If there are extra charges such as camp fees that should not be included in the advance payment, ensure they are listed after the rebate fee. See  Why the Auto Tuition Sequence is vital .
  9. Select Module > Debtors > Enrolment Deposit Maintenance.
  10. Create an enrolment deposit definition for Fees In Advance. See Maintaining enrolment deposit definitions.
  11. Select Refundable Deposit.
  12. Select Student Based Deposit.
    Note: Enrolment deposits cannot be used to pay fees in advance unless the deposit definition is Refundable and Student Based.
  13. Select Module > Debtors > Debtor Fee Maintenance.
  14. Create a debtor fee for Fees In Advance for each tuition year in the current year. For example, the 2014 fees for Year 0, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, etc. See Creating new fee types.
    Note: The general ledger codes of the enrolment deposit and fee codes must be the same, or the enrolment deposit cannot be used for payment.
  15. Ensure Discount Alters Nett Base is selected for each fee code.
  16. Create another fee code for Fees In Advance Rebate.
    Note: The Rebate fee code allows Synergetic to write off any difference between the fees paid in advance and the current year tuition fees. For example, Fred Nurk paid for the years 10, 11 and 12 in advance in 2013 when tuition fees were $1000 per year. In 2014, the tuition fee is $1200 a year. Fred Nurk will receive a rebate of $200; the difference between his advance payment and the actual tuition fee owed.
  17. Set the Discount Percentage to 100.
  18. Select Nett charge amount up to this point from the Discount Based On drop-down list.
    Note: Use a different G/L Code for Fees In Advance Rebates, to separate the amount written off.

    You can now pay fees in advance with enrolment deposits.