Running automatic tuition
The Auto Tuition program posts tuition and associated charges automatically for all students. Charges are automatically calculated based on the student's campus, year level and/or boarder status.
Important Note: We strongly recommend that you split your auto tuition runs up so that you only process one or two year levels at a time. If you try to post charges for too many debtors at once, you may get the following error message: The transaction log is full, truncate the log to continue.If this occurs, contact your system administrator for advice before re-running the auto tuition program.
Fee Maintenance is used to define the appropriate charges. See Maintaining debtor fees.
A typical automatic tuition run will post the following charges:
Seq | Code | Description |
1 | T | Tuition |
2 | SD | Sibling Discount |
3 | CC | Consolidated Charges |
4 | TC | Tuition Concession |
5 | B | Boarding Fee |
6 | BC | Boarding Fee Concession |
7 | O | Other Charges |
The automatic tuition codes are defined in the luDebtorAutoTuition lookup table. The sequence that charges are processed can be customised. See luDebtorAutoTuition lookup table in the Finance manual.
Debtor Automatic Tuition window key fields
Selections area fields
Field | Description |
File Year | Year and term or semester to be updated. |
Is this a What If run? | Select to print all charges for students that match your selection without posting transactions. |
Detailed | Select the amount of information to be printed on a What if? ru |