Debtor Details window

Debtor Details window

Use the Debtor Details window to record the debtor's mailing address and statement group, when Creating new debtors.

Debtor Details window fields



Mailing Address

Debtor's mailing address. Values include:

  • postal address, which is the default address used
  • home address
  • occupation address.

    Note: If the account is paid by a company, then set the debtor as a company. The account is sent to the company address.If the debtor is an individual but they want the statement sent to their company address, use occupation address.

Address mail to primary person only

Select to send mail only to the primary debtor.
Note: There may be circumstances where the community member is a couple, but the debtor is only one member of the couple, for example where a re-marriage has occurred.
This flag can be changed on the Debtor Maintenance - Debtor tab.

Statement Group

Debtor's statement group.
Note: Debtors can be allocated a sub group that, for example, may have special payment arrangements. See Debtor Maintenance - General tab. This is also used when printing statements using Crystal Reports.