Creditor Maintenance - General tab

Use the General tab to:

  • maintain the payee's name
  • view address and contact details
  • choose a mailing address.

Note: You can only edit the Payee field in this window. Click to open the Community Maintenance window if you need to edit the creditor's address and contact details.

 Opening the General tab

To open the General tab:

  1. Select Module > Creditors > Creditor Maintenance.
    The Set Creditor Search Criteria window is displayed.
    Tip: You can also access the Set Creditor Search Criteria window by clicking .
  2. Search for the creditor. See Searching for creditors.
    The General tab of the Creditor Maintenance window is displayed.

Creditor Maintenance - General tab key fields and buttons





Creditor's name.
The Payee field:

  • is displayed when you perform grid searches for Payee Name
  • appears on cheques to that creditor.


If selected, this creditor can be used in your organisation.
Note: This field is not editable. To make a creditor Active or Not Active, use the buttons described below.


Name used for addressing purposes. For a:

  • Company, this is the Occupation Description. See Community Maintenance - Company tab in the Community manual.
  • Person or a Personal Company this is the creditor's title, first initial and surname.


Address details including:

  • Person the post is intended for
  • company name
  • street address, suburb, state and postcode.

    This is used for mailing purposes.
    Note: for Personal or Personal Company creditors the company name is not displayed.


Creditor's business phone number.


Creditor's mobile phone number.


Creditor's business fax number.


Creditor's business email address.

Mailing Address

Creditor's mailing address. Values include:

  • Postal Address
  • Home Address
  • Occupational Address.

Web Site

URL of the creditor's web site address.

Head Office ID

Creditor's head office Synergetic ID number. If a creditor has multiple branches listed in Synergetic or is an Agent working for another creditor, enter the Community ID of the creditor's head office here.
Note: A head office ID can only be the creditor's own ID or the ID of a creditor that lists itself as its head office. You cannot use the ID of a creditor that lists another creditor as its head office.




Mark this creditor as active or not active. See the Active field above.

Click to open the Community Maintenance window.
See Maintaining community members in the Community manual.

Open the Creditor Search window to find the creditor.