Creditor Maintenance - Summary tab

Use the Summary tab to view the:

  • amount that you owe the creditor at present
  • details of the last payment made
  • total dollar amount of purchases made so far this year and last year's total.


 Opening the Summary tab

To open the Summary tab:

  1. Select Module > Creditors > Creditor Maintenance.
    The Set Creditor Search Criteria window is displayed.
    Tip: You can also access the Set Creditor Search Criteria window by clicking .
  2. Search for the creditor. See Searching for creditors.
    The General tab of the Creditor Maintenance window is displayed.
  3. Click the Summary tab.
    The Summary tab of the Creditor Maintenance window is displayed.

Creditor Maintenance - Summary tab key fields

Owing area fields



Current Owing

Dollar amount that you owe the creditor at today's date.

Last Payment Details area fields




Date that the last payment was made.


Dollar amount of the last payment made.

Cheque Number

Number of the cheque, if payment made by cheque.

Purchases area fields



Last Year

Total dollar amount of purchases from this supplier last year.

Current Y.T.D.

Total dollar amount of purchases made so far this year.