Debtor Maintenance - Financial tab

Debtor Maintenance - Financial tab

This tab shows a summary of the status of the debtor's account. For more information, see:

 Opening the Financial tab

To open the Financial tab:

  1. Select Module > Debtors > Debtor Maintenance from the main menu.
    Tip: You can also access the debtor functions by clicking .
  2. Search for the debtor. See Searching for debtors.
    The Debtor tab of the Debtor Maintenance window is displayed.
  3. Click the Financial tab.
    The Financial tab of the Debtor Maintenance window is displayed.

Debtor Maintenance - Financial tab key fields and buttons

Last Payment area fields



Last Payment Date

Date of the latest dated receipt.

Last Payment Amount

Amount of the latest dated receipt.

Outstanding area fields



30+ days
60+ days
90+ days
120+ days
150+ days

Ageing of the debt. See How debts age.

Note: The names of these fields depend on your Debt Ageing settings. See Synergetic Financial Configuration- Debtors tab in the Finance manual.


Amount the account is in credit, if applicable.

Note: If there are outstanding amounts on the debtor's record, this field is zero.

Total Owing/Overdue

Total amount invoiced or included on the debtor's statements.

Charges Not Yet Notified

Charges that have yet to appear on a statement.

Note: If an amount owing on a previous statement has been overpaid, the overpayment will reduce the amount showing in this field.

Forward Dated Charges

Charges that have yet to appear on a statement but are dated past the current run date.

Note: These amounts do not appear on a statement produced on the current date. Normally this field is not populated.

Overall Balance

Total amount outstanding.

Instalments Not Yet Charged

Amounts originally charged as an instalment charge but have not yet been taken up as a current charge in Synergetic. See How instalments operate.

Outstanding area buttons



Generate a new debtor statement. See Generating debtor statements.

Last Statement area fields



Last Statement Date

Date of the latest statement.


Amount of the latest statement.


Statement sequence number.

Last Statement area buttons



Preview the debtor's next statement or invoice.

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