Debtor Cash Receipts Entry - Payment Detail tab

Debtor Cash Receipts Entry - Payment Detail tab

Use the Payment Detail tab to enter information about the source of the cash payment received, such as:

  • who the payment is received from
  • the form the payment takes
  • the amount of the payment
  • whether a receipt should be printed.

Once you have entered all the relevant information about the payment details you can:

Note: If you are entering a mixed receipt of fees and donations, enter the whole amount on the Payment Detail tab then allocate the fees using the Fees tab and the donations using the G/L Allocations tab.

 Opening the Payment Detail tab

To open the Payment Detail tab:

  1. Select Module > Debtors > Cash Receipts Entry from the main menu.
    The Select Cash Receipts to Process window is displayed.
  2. Select an existing posting.
  3. Click .
    The Payment Detail tab of the Cash Receipts Entry window is displayed.

    Note: If your organisation is using a foreign currency, extra fields are displayed.

Debtor Cash Receipts Entry - Payment Detail tab key fields

Posting Summary Information area fields

This area displays information about the posting. See Cash Receipts Entry - Posting Action for information about posting.

These fields are for information only.




Posting number.


Posting date.


Description of the posting. This is useful when reviewing past postings.

Control Amount

The total amount entered in the posting's transactions must add up to this value. This is a precautionary measure as you cannot close off a posting if the sum of transactions does not equal this.

Transaction Count

Number of transactions being posted.


Amount of the posting.


Receipt date.

Payment Summary area fields

The payment summary area displays a summary of the drawer, amount received and the amount allocated so far.



Rcpt No

The receipt number is automatically allocated.



  • enter the name of the drawer to appear on the receipt
  • use the button to search for an existing debtor or community member.

Enable Quick Entry Popup

Select to use the Quick Entry Popup to quickly populate the Payment Details, Fees and G/L Allocations fields. See Using the Payment Creation window.

Set As Default

Sets the selected payment type as the default for the debtor.

Payment Type

The type of payment. Select:

  • Cheque
  • Money Order
  • Cash
  • Credit Card
  • EFT.

Note: Different fields become editable depending on your selection.


The bank from which the cheque was issued.

Note: You cannot proceed when an inactive bank account lookup table record is selected.

For information about maintaining bank account lookup table records, see luBank lookup table.


The branch from which the cheque or money order was issued.


The authorisation number of the credit card

Credit Card type

The type of credit card.
Note: If your organisation uses surcharges for the selected credit card, a message is displayed with the surcharge amount and the button displays the surcharge amount.

Note: You can use the Credit Card Configuration window to control which users at your organisation can enter, view, and update credit card details. See Configuring credit card access.

Card Number

The credit card number.

Expiry Date

The credit card expiry date.

Bank Statement Reference

Type either the:

  • bank statement number of the EFT payment
  • date the EFT payment was deposited
  • cheque number for Cheque payment types.

Cheque numbers are displayed on bank deposit slips but not audit prints.


The Bank State Branch number of the EFT or cheque account.


The account number of the EFT or cheque account.


The amount paid in the specified currency.

Note: Amounts in a foreign currency are converted into the default system currency for all allocations.


The date the payment was made.


The currency of the payment.

Note: This field is not editable, and only displays if other currencies are defined. Bank accounts can only receive payments of their specified currency. See Banking Configuration Maintenance - General tab in the Finance manual.


The rate by which the Amount is multiplied to calculate the local amount.

Note: This field is not editable, and only displays if other currencies are defined for the bank code. Exchange rates are maintained in the General tab of Foreign Currency Maintenance. See Setting up foreign currencies in the Finance manual.

Local Currency Amount

The Amount converted into the default system currency.
Note: This field is not editable, and only displays if other currencies are defined.




Launch the Enter Surcharge window to add a credit card surcharge to the payment amount.

Note: When a surcharge is entered, the debtor account shows the normal payment amount, but the receipt and the Bank Deposit List include the surcharge amount.

See luCreditCard lookup table in the Finance manual for more information about setting up and maintaining credit card surcharges.

Receipt Printing area fields



Print Receipts

Select to generate printed receipts.

Number to Print

Select how many copies of the receipt to print.

Reference on Receipt

Enter the description to appear on the receipt.

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