Processing over the counter payments

Processing over the counter payments

Your organisation may receive cheques, cash, money orders, credit card or electronic funds transfer (EFT) payments over the counter.

Important Note:
EFT refers to any payment where the information goes straight to the bank. This includes EFTPOS payments and credit card payments where you swipe the credit card through an EFTPOS machine. The Credit Card type is only used where you need to notify the bank to give them a list of credit card transactions, for example when you use credit card slips, or when the customer provides their credit card details to you.

  1. Process the payment as you would a cheque payment. If the payment is from a debtor, see Processing cheques from debtors, otherwise see Processing other (non-debtor) cheques. On the Payment Detail tab, select the appropriate Payment Type.
  2. For a Credit Card payment, select the:
    • Credit Card Type, if required
    • the authorisation number in the Auth field
    • the full credit card number in the Card Number field
    • the month and full year in the Expiry Date field.
  3. Select Print Receipts.
    Note: Synergetic can be set up to print receipts automatically.
  4. Process the payment to fees or allocate to the general ledger as for a cheque payment.


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