Cash Receipts Entry - Posting Action

Cash Receipts Entry - Posting Action

The Posting Action button at the bottom of the Cash Receipts Entry window allows you to:

  • Close off the current posting.
  • Change the control amount, description or posting date.
  • Modify the details of a receipt in the current posting.
  • Delete a receipt.
  • Print one or more receipts.
  • Reverse a bounced payment.
  • Change to another posting.
  • Create a new posting.
  • View a copy of the audit print.
  • Delete all the receipts in the current posting and abandon the posting.

Note: You cannot edit postings already reconciled in a past or open bank reconciliation.




Close Off

Update the posting control record so that it recognises that the posting has been closed off. The posting can still be accessed through Past Postings.

To close off a posting:

  1. Click .
    The following confirmation window is displayed.
  2. Click .
    The Print window is displayed.
  3. Either click:

    •  to print the audit sheet of receipts. Closing off the cash receipts posting is complete.
    •  to cancel printing the audit sheets.

    The following window is displayed.
  4. Either click:

    •  to print the audit sheet of receipts.
    •  to opt not to print the audit sheet of receipts.

    Note: If applicable you are prompted to print a Bank Deposit Slip and a Bank Deposit Slip - Closed Off printout is produced.

    Closing off the cash receipts posting is complete.

Modify Summary Information

Click to display the Modify Cash Receipts Summary Information window.

Using this window you can change the control amount, description or posting date, if in the same financial year. Additionally, you can also view the Posting number and General Ledger period.

Modify Receipt

Edit any previous receipts that you have entered in this posting.
To modify a receipt:

  1. Select a receipt from the list.
  2. Click .
    The Payment Detail window is displayed.

    The receipt's general ledger allocations and other information is retained when you modify it. You do not have to re-enter any information.

Delete Receipt

Select a receipt to be deleted from a list of receipts related to the current posting.

Note: If your organisation uses Cash Accounting, you cannot delete a receipt if it has been modified outside of Cash Receipts Entry.

Print Receipt

Select which receipts in the current posting that you want to print.

Note: This will not close the posting or transfer anything to the general ledger.

Reverse Bounced Payment

Reverse a dishonoured cheque as part of Processing dishonoured cheques.

Different/New Posting

Either change the current posting that you are working on, or create a new posting without updating the posting you are currently working on.

Audit Print

View a copy of the audit print showing the current receipts that you have entered.

Note: It is recommended that you do an audit print to check that postings are correct before closing them off.

Tip: The list of receipts can be viewed on screen or printed.

Abandon Posting

Delete all receipts entered in the current posting.

Note: All postings can be abandoned except if they have been reconciled in Bank Reconciliation, included on a BAS or included on debtor statements.

Note: You must have Update privileges for DebtorCashReceiptsEntry to be able to abandon postings. See Group/User Security Maintenance - Groups View in the System maintenance manual.