Payroll Maintenance - Leave tab

Use the Leave tab to:

  • maintain current leave entitlements
  • list past leave entitlements
  • add new leave entries.

For more information on payroll employee leave, see Configuring leave.

 Opening the Leave tab

To open the Leave tab:

  1. Select Payroll > Payroll Employee Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Set Payroll Search Criteria window is displayed.
  2. Search for the employee payroll record for the staff member. See Searching for payroll employees.
    The Personal tab of the Payroll Maintenance window is displayed.
  3. Click the Leave tab.
    The Leave tab of the Payroll Maintenance window is displayed.




Current Award

Award the employee works under.

Leave Calc Method

Method used to calculate leave for this award. See Payroll Configuration - Leave Awards tab.

Full Time hrs/ day

How many hours per day an employee normally works. This figure is used to convert days to hours or vice versa if required.

Effective Leave Start Date

Date the employee commenced at your organisation.

Show Filters

Select to display the filters you can set.
In the example, the Show Filters field is selected and the filters are displayed.

The leave transactions in the grid are displayed according to the filters you set. For example, you can display transactions for a particular date range or just for a particular leave code.

Note: If you want more leave transactions displayed on the window, clear this field to free up the area used to display the filters. Clearing this field will not change the filter settings.

Payroll Maintenance - Leave tab key fields and buttons

Leave Transactions area fields and buttons

Grid area fields




Leave code.

Date Start

Date of the leave transaction.

Num Units

Number of units of leave in the transaction.

Note: Units can be shown as native units or as hours and days.


Remaining units of leave of that category.


Unit the leave is being measured in. For example, sick leave may be measured in days and long service leave may be measured in weeks.


Award under which the leave is allocated.

Last Day

The date the leave ends. The name of this field is:

  • Last Day when employees return to work on their last day of leave
  • Return Date when employees return to work on the first day of work after their leave. 

Note: You can configure whether employees return to work on their last day of leave or the first day of work after leave using the Leave Date of Return is Last Day of Leave field on the Payroll tab of Synergetic Financial Maintenance. See Synergetic Financial Configuration - Payroll tab.

Inc in Pay

Select to include the leave transaction in the employee's pay.

Sub Cat

Sub-category of the leave award code, if applicable.


Posting number of the employee payment.


Comments about the transaction.




Add a leave transaction. See Adding leave transactions.

Note: Once the leave transaction has been added, the Assign Leave Taken to Application window is displayed to allow you to link an approved leave application to the selected leave transaction. See the Link Application button below.

Delete the highlighted leave transaction in the grid area.

Note: The leave transaction is permanently removed from history.

Reverse the highlighted leave transaction in the grid area.

Note: Another leave transaction is created to reverse the effect of the highlighted transaction. Both transactions remain in history.

Modify the details of the highlighted leave transaction in the grid area.

Display the Assign Leave Taken to Application window to link an approved leave application to the selected leave transaction.

Multiple transactions can be assigned to a single leave application, but a warning is displayed when the available units are exceeded or if the leave type and dates do not match. Once transactions have been linked to an application they can unlinked provided you have the required security permissions.

Note: Only approved leave applications that are not confidential are displayed.

Display the Leave Application Details window to view details about the leave application linked to the selected leave transaction.

Note: You can click to remove the link between the leave application and the selected leave transaction. The following window is displayed:

Clear the filter settings to display all leave transactions.

Note: This button is only active when filter settings have been used.

Filter fields

Show Transaction Types area fields



Entitlement Accrued

Clear to hide transactions where leave was accrued.

Leave Taken

Clear to hide transactions where leave was taken.


Clear to hide transactions where the entitlement balance was manually adjusted.

Set Balance at Date

Clear to hide transactions where the entitlement balance was manually set.

Show Date Range area fields




Select to only show transactions after the specified date.


Select to only show transactions before the specified date.

Show Leave Code area fields



Show All

Select to show all leave codes.

Select Leave Code

Select a single leave code to display.

Show Posting Number area fields



Show All

Select to show leave transactions from all postings.

Select Posting Number

Type in a posting number to show leave transactions from a single posting.

Show Units area fields



Native Units

Select to show all leave transactions in the units they were calculated in.

Hours and Days

Select to show all leave transactions in hours and days.

Leave Entitlements area fields and buttons

Grid area fields

Grid Field



Leave code.

Note: Leave of the same code accrued under different awards is aggregated into one balance.


Amount of leave of this type available to the employee.


Unit the leave balance is displayed in.

Last Txn

Date of the last transaction for this leave code.

Last Units Added

Number of units added in the last transaction.

Last Accrued

Date that leave was last accrued.




Preview Date

Date to which the leave entitlement balance is calculated. Defaults to today's date.

Note: This field is only editable if Include all projected entitlement accruals to preview date is selected.

Project entitlements to preview date

Select to include the projected balance of entitlements accrued by the Preview Date.

When the Calculation Method for the leave award is:

  • FTE leave entitlements are projected based on how long the employee has worked at the organisation
  • Hours Worked leave entitlements are projected based on how many hours the employee worked each pay period.

Note: You can configure leave awards using the Leave Awards tab of the Payroll Configuration window. See Payroll Configuration - Leave Awards tab.

Note: If the calculation method is Hours Worked and the employee has irregular pay (i.e. the Units and Amount fields are blank on the Pay Details tab) the projection is calculated based on an average across several pays. The number of pays used to calculate the average can be configured using the Leave by Hours Worked Project Average Pay Count on the Page 1 sub-tab of the General tab of the Payroll Configuration window. See Payroll Configuration - General tab - Page 1 sub-tab.

Include manual transactions beyond preview date

Select to include any manually entered leave transactions that occur after the Preview Date.

Include leave codes with no accrual values

Select to include leave codes that do not accrue leave. For example, leave without pay.




Display the Set Employee Leave Entitlement Date window.

Using this window you can:

  • update the Preview Date field to preview leave entitlements up to a specified date

    Note: Only current date or future dates can be used.
  • set the leave entitlement date.

    Note: You cannot set entitlement adjustments when leave is calculated based on the hours worked.

View payroll leave award details for the highlighted record.

Refresh the Leave Entitlements grid.

Delete the selected entitlement.

Note: Entitlements with leave transactions attached cannot be deleted.

Clear the filter settings to display all leave entitlements.

Note: This button is only active when filter settings have been used.