Payroll Maintenance - Pay Details tab

Use the Pay Details tab to maintain details of each element making up the standard pay details for the employee.

How pays are calculated

You maintain all of the details of an employee's standard pay on this tab. You can change the details for a particular period, for example to include an overtime payment or leave loading using Current Pay Maintenance. See Maintaining current pays.

Standard deductions such as superannuation and salary sacrifice amounts are usually a percentage of the overall pay and appear in this tab. Amounts deducted as credit against a debtor account also appear in this tab.

You maintain default pay rates and amounts in pay codes using Pay Code Maintenance. See Maintaining payroll codes


 Opening the Pay Details tab

To open the Pay Details tab:

  1. Select Payroll > Payroll Employee Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Set Payroll Search Criteria window is displayed.
  2. Search for the employee payroll record for the staff member. See Searching for payroll employees.
    The Personal tab of the Payroll Maintenance window is displayed.
  3. Click the Pay Details tab.
    The Pay Details tab of the Payroll Maintenance window is displayed.

Payroll Maintenance - Pay Details tab key fields and buttons

The following fields are used to add new pay detail entries and maintain the details of an existing pay highlighted in the grid area.





Unique payroll pay code. When you select a code, all the defaults associated with this pay code are used for the employee. You can override the defaults if required.

Note: Also see Maintaining payroll codes.

Code Description

Description of the pay code.

GL Code

Override the default general ledger code for this pay method.

GL Sub Alloc

Override the default general ledger sub-allocation code for this pay method.

Override Pay Codes

Select to override the pay codes assigned to this employee by their job position.


Override the default pay rate for this pay code. The employee's pay rate will not be affected by changes to the pay code.

If either the Units or Rate is 0, the employee must have a set pay amount in the Amount field.

Note: Also see Maintaining payroll codes.


Override the default unit used with this pay method. The Units are multiplied by the Rate to calculate the gross pay.

If either the Units or Rate is 0, the employee must have a set pay amount in the Amount field.

Note: Also see Maintaining payroll codes.


Override the default factor for this pay method.

Use the factor to split salary costs across general ledger accounts if the staff member is working in multiple departments.

Note: Also see Maintaining payroll codes.


Override the default amount for this pay method. Employees can either be paid a set amount or the amount can be calculated.

Note: Foreign withholding amounts should be entered as negative amounts. Synergetic displays a warning when positive withholding amounts are entered and negates these amounts during STP processing.


Description of the pay code. You can override the default description for this pay code line.


Full-time equivalent total for this pay code. This allows employees to be paid different rates for different types of work.

All entries for the employee that have a pay code of N (Normal Pay) must add up to this total FTE figure of their award. This is particularly important for reporting FTE loads to super funds.

Start Date

Date the pay code started to be used for the selected employee.

Stop Date

Date of the pay code stopped being used for the selected employee.

Member Joined Date

Date member joined this superannuation fund.

Member No

Superannuation fund member number for this employee.

Linked to Super Fund

Superannuation fund linked to the selected pay code.

Note: Superannuation details are maintained on the Super Funds tab. See Payroll Maintenance - Super Funds tab.

Super Calculation Mode

Method for calculating employee superannuation liability. You can select:

  • Auto Current Pay to calculate superannuation based on current pay regardless of earnings.
  • Calendar Month to calculate superannuation based on current pay only after the monthly earnings threshold is reached.

    Tip: You can define the monthly earning threshold required for super using the Monthly Earning Required for Super field on the General tab of Payroll Configuration. See Payroll Configuration - General tab.

    Monthly Super Calc Program to exclude superannuation from current pay so that it can be calculated at the end of the month using the Payroll Monthly Superannuation Calculation window. See Calculating superannuation.

Note: You cannot use the Monthly Super Calc Program option for Single Touch Payroll. Single Touch Payroll submissions require superannuation to be reported at the time of the submission.

For examples of calculating employee super with each mode, see Superannuation calculation examples.

Paid Leave Type

Type of paid leave. You can select:

  • C - Cash out leave in service
  • U - Unused leave on termination
  • P - Paid parental leave
  • W - Workers' compensation
  • A - Ancillary and defence leave
  • O - Other paid leave.

Note: You can define the paid leave type for each pay code by selecting the Requires STP Leave Type checkbox and populating the Default Paid Leave Type drop-down list on the General tab of Pay Code Maintenance. See Pay Code Maintenance - General tab.

The following are not reported as Paid Leave Types:

  • Lump Sums – reported as Payment Type Lump Sum Payment Amount.
  • Employment Termination Payment (ETP) – reported as payment type in the Termination Payments 
Country Code

Country code linked to the pay details record. See luCountry lookup table.

You must select a country for pay codes with the following income stream types:

  • Foreign Employment (FEI)
  • Inbound Assignees to Australia (IAA)
  • Working Holiday Maker (WHM).
Income Stream Type

ATO defined income stream type. This value can be:

  • Salary and wages
  • Closely held payees
  • Inbound assignees to Australia
  • Working holiday makers
  • Seasonal worker programme
  • Foreign Employment
  • Joint petroleum development area
  • Voluntary agreement
  • Labour hire
  • Other specified payments.

Note: Income stream types are selected for pay codes using the General tab of Pay Code Maintenance. See Pay Code Maintenance - General tab.

For information about how income stream types relate to pay codes, see Pay code types.

Lump Sum Financial Year

Financial year of the lump sum payment.

Note: You must populate this field for pays linked to pay codes with the Lump Sum Payment E reporting category. Synergetic displays a warning when the Lump Sum FY field has not been populated for a pay linked to a pay code with the Lump Sum E reporting category.

Note: This field is only displayed when the pay code selected in the Code field has an Lump Sum E reporting category. For information about reporting categories, see Pay code types.

ETP Reason (AU)

Early Termination Payment Reason. Use this field to select a reason for adding an early termination payment. You can select:

  • B - Death Benefit - Split ETP Type N
  • D - Death Benefit - Dependent
  • N - Death Benefit - Non-Dependent
  • O - Life Benefit - Other
  • P - Life Benefit - Split ETP Type O
  • R - Life Benefit - Redundancy et al
  • S - Life Benefit - Split ETP Type R
  • T - Death Benefit - Trustee of the Deceased Estate.

Note: This field is only displayed when the pay code selected in the Code field has an Early Termination Payment (ETP) reporting category. For information about reporting categories, see Pay code types.

Child Support Type (NZ)

Type of child support payment. Leave this field blank to record normal child support or select one of the following options from the drop-down list:

  • Ceased Employment
  • Advanced Payment
  • Protected Earnings
  • Short Term Absence
  • Deducted Previously
  • Other.

Note: This field is only displayed if the selected pay code has a Child Support Deductions reporting category. See Pay code types.

Include in Timesheet

Clear this field to prevent this employee claiming this pay code via online timesheets. See Submitting timesheets for approval in the SynWeb Human resources manual.

Note: This field only appears if the selected pay code is included in timesheets. See Payroll Code Maintenance - General tab.

Def fields

Most of the key fields have a Def (default) field beside them. For each entry in the grid, you can select one of the following in the relevant Def field:

  • Def. Use the default value for this pay code. If you have previously changed the value in this field, select Def to return to the default value.
  • Fir. Replace the value in this field for the selected line in the grid to the value in this field of the first line in the grid.
  • O/R. Select this to override the default value in this field and enter your own figure.

Tip: If you change the value in a field, Synergetic automatically changes the relevant Def field to O/R (override). To reset the field to the default value, select Def.




Launch into Payroll Code Maintenance. See Maintaining payroll codes.

Add a new row at the bottom of the grid area, and type details in the pay detail fields.

Note: You should not add pay codes that use the Lump Sum A reporting category. This reporting category has been deprecated. Update the pay code to use either Lump Sum A - Type R or Lump Sum A - Type T then add the pay code.

Insert a new row in the grid area before the highlighted record, and type details in the pay detail fields.

Delete the highlighted pay details record.

Move the selected record up the list in the grid area.

Move the selected record down the list in the grid area.