Payroll Overview
Payroll Overview
The Synergetic payroll module allows you to process your organisation's payroll.
What you can do:
What you can do… | See… |
Maintain payroll configuration. | |
Maintain payroll codes. | |
Maintain pay rates. | |
Configure leave. | |
Encrypt payroll data and use encrypted payroll data. | |
Maintain payroll employee details. | |
Process current pays. | |
Finalise current pays and submit Single Touch Payroll (AU) or Payday Filing (NZ) files. | Finalising payroll. |
Maintain Single Touch Payroll and Payday Filing submissions. | Maintaining STP and Payday Filing submissions. |
Process superannuation. | |
Prepare IRD (Inland Revenue Department) Monthly schedules in New Zealand. | |
Perform the payroll year end process. | |
Print Key payroll reports. | |
Process key Payroll Action Centre messages. | Key Payroll Action Centre messages |