Payroll Configuration - General tab - Page 1 sub-tab

Use the Page 1 sub-tab, you can configure:

  • General details including:

    - key dates
    - clearing accounts
    - default bank account
    - monthly earning for superannuation
    - leave prompts, calculations and job positions.

  • Payslip details including leave loading tax free limit

    - notification method
    - max. pages per payslip
    - storage/archive details.

  • Government submission details including:

    - whether STP is enabled
    - which STP version is enabled
    - whether STP is running in test mode.

  • Payroll encryption.

These details can also be maintained in Synergetic Financial Configuration Maintenance. See Synergetic Financial Configuration - Payroll tab - Page 1 sub-tab.

 Opening the Page 1 sub-tab

To open the Page 1 tab:

  1. Select Module > Payroll > Payroll Configuration Maintenance from the main menu.
    The General tab of the Payroll Configuration window is displayed.

Payroll Configuration - Payroll tab - Page 1 sub-tab

General area fields and buttons




Payroll End of Year Date

This is set to the current payroll year that you want to work in. It can be automatically updated upon creating a new payroll year.
You do not need to change it if you only want to view prior payroll year master files, just change the year on the selection screen.

General Ledger links

You need to define the following accounts:

  • Group Tax Clearing G/L. This is where tax deducted is credited to for remittance to the taxation department.
  • Super Contribution Tax Clearing G/L. This is where super contributions are credited.
  • Payroll Clearing G/L. Miscellaneous clearing.
  • EFT Clearing G/L. This is where the value of the nett pay is credited. This is normally the bank account but can be any account if you want to do a manual general ledger journal.

Monthly Earning Required for Super

Monthly Superannuation Calculation uses this amount as a default that can be changed when running the program if required.

Monthly Super Calc Date Based On

Select the date used for the monthly superannuation calculation. See Calculating superannuation.

You can select:

  • Pay Date
  • Period End Date
  • Payment Available Date.

Note: These dates are entered when you create new pays using the Create New Pay window. See Creating new pays.

Bank Account

Select a bank account that employees are paid from.
Clicking the button loads Banking Configuration Maintenance and sets up the payroll bank account.

ATO Lodgement Reference

Reference number for the payroll lodgement to the government agency.

Leave Prompt When Entering Pays

Select how the Leave Details window is displayed when entering leave-related entries on the Current Pay Maintenance window.

You can display the Leave Details window:

  • Always. Details are added for each leave entry.
  • First Time Only. Details are added for only the first leave entry, of a particular leave type. For example, if you add two sick leave entries, the Leave Details window is displayed only once.
    However, if you then add an annual leave entry, the Leave Details window is displayed for this new normal pay type.
  • Never. Leave details do not need adding at this stage.

See Current Pay Maintenance - Detail tab in the Payroll manual.

Leave Calculation Date Based On

Select the date used to calculate employee leave entitlements. See Calculating leave entitlements.

You can select:

  • Pay Date
  • Period End Date
  • Payment Available Date.

Note: These dates are entered when you create new pays using the Create New Pay window. See Creating new pays.

Leave by Hours Worked Project Average Pay Count

Number of pays used to calculate hours worked leave entitlements on the Leave tab of Payroll Maintenance. See Payroll Maintenance - Leave tab

This is used to project leave entitlements for employees with irregular pay (i.e. the Units and Amount fields are blank on the Pay Details tab).

FBT Exempt Type

Whether your organisation is exempt from fringe benefits tax under section 57A of the Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act (1986). See Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act (1986).

You can select:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Unknown.
Default Job Position for Leave Approvals

Default job position used to approve leave applications.

Note: Synergetic recommends selecting the job position that processes staff pay at your organisation.

The selected job position is used to approve leave when Synergetic is unable to establish an approver using the job position reporting hierarchy defined using the Reports to Job Position field on the General tab of Job Position Maintenance. See Job Position Maintenance - General tab.

For more information about understanding leave approvals, see /wiki/spaces/SYNMAIN/pages/2294745836.

Job Position for Confidential Leave Approvals

Job position used to approve confidential (e.g. domestic violence) leave applications.

Staff members with the selected job position can view Action Centre notifications for confidential leave applications and process the applications on the Staff Leave tab of the Staff Kiosk. See Processing leave application requests.

Note: You can define confidential leave types using the ConfidentialFlag on the luPayrollLeave lookup table. See luPayrollLeave lookup table.




(Bank Account)

Launch banking configuration maintenance. See Maintaining banking configuration files.

(Default Job Position for Leave Approvals)

Launch job position maintenance. See Maintaining job positions.

(Job Position for Confidential Leave Approvals)

Launch job position maintenance. See Maintaining job positions.

Payslips area fields and buttons




Default Notification Method

Default method used to notify staff. Available values are:

  • Print. Print out the payslips and distribute to payroll employees.
  • Email Occupation. Email the payslip to the staff member's Email address defined on the Occupation tab of Community Maintenance.
  • Email Default. Email the payslip to the staff member's default email address.
Max Pages per Payslip

Maximum number of pages a payslip can take before an error is thrown.

Note: Set this field to the maximum number of pages you expect a payslip to take so Synergetic can detect an error with the destitching process.

Archive Path

Specify the path to archive payslips to. All of the payslips for a given pay run are written to a single file as a PDF.

It is recommended that you specify the Payslip Archive Path using a UNC format. That is, using the following convention minimises problems:

  • \\Server is the server name using a Universal Naming Convention
  • \Directory is the directory path on the specified server.

Also Store Printed Payslips in Database

Select to archive printed payroll payslips to the Synergetic database. All of the payslips for a given pay run are written to a single file as a PDF.

This provides an additional level of data security. Assuming that Synergetic is regularly backed up, details of payslips are available even if payslip archive files are lost from the file server or PC (personal computer).

Note: If this field is not selected, staff who received printed payslips cannot view their payslips in SynWeb. Emailed Payslip Notifications are always stored in the database and can be viewed in SynWeb.

Store individual payslips using embedded hidden delimiter

Select to enable payslip destitching, where payslips are generated as one large PDF file and then separated by employee. This is a much faster process than generating payslips individually.

Note: The payslip Crystal Report must contain the HiddenDelimiter field, otherwise payslips cannot be separated. The standard payslip report provided by Synergetic Management Systems is already configured for destitching. If you use a custom report, you may need to modify it to use this feature.




Browse to the file location for archived payslips.

Government Submission area fields and buttons




Single Touch Payroll EnabledWhether Single Touch Payroll (STP) is enabled.
Test ModeWhether Single Touch Payroll (STP) is in test mode.

The version of Single Touch Payroll (STP) enabled:

  • STP Version 1
  • STP Version 2.

Note: You must finalise all STP 1 submissions before switching to STP 2.

Note: When you switch to a prior version of Single Touch Payroll you must confirm your decision because this action can cause payroll data to be submitted in a deprecated format.




Generate the Payroll STP Configuration Check report.

Use this report to identify changes required to complete the configuration of STP2.

Encryption area fields



Payroll Encrypted

Selected if payroll encryption has been enabled by Synergetic Management Systems and is active.
Contact Synergetic Management Systems for more details or see Payroll encryption in the Payroll manual.

Encrypted By 1

Synergetic user who first encrypted the payroll.

Encrypted By 2

Synergetic user who confirmed the payroll encryption.


Date the payroll was encrypted.