Job Position Maintenance - General tab

Use the General tab to view and maintain general information about the job position, including:

  • description and job category
  • overview of position
  • award applicable for this position
  • job position this position reports to
  • number of FTE staff required for this position
  • current number of staff occupying this position.

 Opening the General tab

To open the General tab:

  1. Select Module > Human Resources > Job Position Maintenance from the main menu.
  2. Search for the job position. See Searching for job positions.
    The General tab of the Job Position Maintenance window is displayed.

Job Position Maintenance - General tab key fields and buttons




Unique identifier for the job position.


A brief description of the job position.


Category of job position. The field is used to categorise jobs in the Staff Census report.

Note: This is maintained in the luJobPositionCategory lookup table.


Award the job position is linked to. See Maintaining awards.

Reports to Job Position

Job position that the selected job position reports to.

Note: Previously, notifications allowed you to define where a job position reports to. Now it is against the job position itself and you must report to another job position; not a staff ID. This frees up the notification destinations. See Job Position Maintenance - Notifications tab.

Leave Application Approval Authority

Select the level of leave application approval authority granted to the selected job position. This field is used with the Reports to Job Position field (above) to establish a hierarchy for leave approvals. For more information about leave approval hierarchies, see /wiki/spaces/SYNMAIN/pages/2294745836.

There are three levels of leave approval authority:

  • Cannot approve leave applications
  • Can approve leave applications that do not require elevated permission
  • Can approve any level of leave application.

Note: You can define leave applications that require elevated permission using the ElevatedLeaveApprovalRequiredFlag field of the luPayrollLeave lookup table. See luPayrollLeave lookup table.

Total F.T.E. Required

Total number of FTE staff required for this job position. This equates to the agreed budget for this position.

Current Total F.T.E.

Current number of FTE staff occupying this position.

Position Active

Clear to make this position inactive.

Automatically Increment Level

Select this field to calculate the date that the job position should be incremented to the next level. Notifications can be sent to the relevant staff members prior to this date. See Job Position Maintenance - Notifications tab.

The calculated date is determined by the current award level's Duration Months. See Award Maintenance - General tab.

Note: This field controls a notification only. Job position levels do not automatically increase.


Specify the details when appointing individual staff members to a job position. See Appointing staff members to a job position.





Launch Award Maintenance for the selected award.

See Award Maintenance - General tab.

(Reports to Job Position)

Launch a new Job Position Maintenance window for the selected position.

See Maintaining job positions.

Launch the Rich Text Editor, which allows you to:

  • add numbers or bullets
  • change the font, size, alignment or colour of the text
  • make the text bold, underlined or italicised.