Appointing staff members to a job position

Appointing staff members to a job position

To appoint a staff member to the selected job position:

  1. Open the Current Staff tab of Job Position Maintenance. See Job Position Maintenance - Current Staff tab.
    The Current Staff tab of the Job Position Maintenance window is displayed.
  2. Click .
    The Add Staff Job Position window is displayed.
  3. Input the information about the appointment to the job position.
  4. Click .

Add Staff Job Position window key fields




Staff code used to identify staff members throughout Synergetic. For example, the staff code for James Matthew Paydon could be JMP or JP, depending on the standard used in your organisation.

Job Position

Select a job position code. See the luJobPositionCategory lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.

Reports To

Select who this staff member should report to, if different from the typical job position.

This field is not available unless Override Reports To is selected.

Override Reports To

Select if you want to override who this staff member reports to.


Level of full-time equivalence for the job position, where 1 is full-time. For example, a staff member working 3 days out of a possible 5-day working week would equate to a FTE of 0.6.

Next Review Date

Date when the staff member's job position should next be reviewed. This can trigger a notification to review the staff member. See Job Position Maintenance - Notifications tab.

Start Date

Date when the staff member started in the position.

End Date

Date when the staff member ceased working in the position because they either:

  • finished working at your organisation
  • have been appointed to a different position at your organisation.

Award Level

Award level of the staff member in the position, if the position is graded. See Maintaining awards.

Next Increment Date

Date when the staff member increments to the next level in the job position, if the position is graded. This can trigger a notification to review the staff member's job level. See Job Position Maintenance - Notifications tab.

Months until following increment

Number of months from the Next Increment Date until the next increment in the job position, if the position is graded.

Appointment Letter

Text from the appointment letter, pasted in from the program used to prepare the appointment letter.

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