Human Resources Overview

Human Resources Overview

You can maintain some basic information about staff using standard Synergetic without the HR (Human Resources) module.
Using standard Synergetic without the HR module you can maintain:

  • staff name, address and contact details
  • staff category
  • teaching registration/Type/Expiry
  • timetables
  • photos
  • relationships between staff and other community members.

Using the HR module you can also maintain:

  • Vacancies and staff records.
  • Staff medical records, including consents, immunisation status, allergies, asthma details, injuries and medical incidents.
  • Emergency contact details.
  • Next of kin details, either as emergency contacts or as relationships.
  • Doctor's contact details.
  • Staff vehicle and parking space details.
  • Results of reference checks and police record checks, and probation date details.
  • Confidential comments.
  • Job history. You can copy information from Word and paste it into the record.
  • Staff appraisal record, including dates, interviewer details and targets set.
  • Professional development history, including courses attended, course dates, course venue, course details, course costs, course outcomes and qualifications obtained. The professional development history can be linked to the staff member's appraisal record if required.
  • Qualification details, including the organisation they graduated from, their major and minor areas of study and their attainments.
  • Skills and learning areas. For example, a staff member might have basic first aid skills or skills in a particular learning area. The staff learning area information is used to aid the daily organiser for staff substitutions in Synergetic.
  • Job positions, including position category, position overview, records of past and current staff members for that position, total full-time equivalent (FTE) for the position and count of FTE currently appointed to the position.
  • Room key records, including details of the rooms opened with the key and community members who currently hold a copy of the key.

How To

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