Pay Code Maintenance - General tab

Use the General tab to maintain:

  • key information about the pay code, including type and description
  • general ledger allocations
  • pay rates and factors
  • leave entitlements.

 Opening the General tab

To open the General tab:

  1. Select Module > Payroll > Pay Code Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Set Pay Code Search Criteria window is displayed.
  2. Search for the pay code. See Searching for pay codes.
    The General tab of the Pay Code Maintenance window is displayed.

Pay Code Maintenance - General tab key fields and buttons

General area fields



Pay Code Type

Type of pay code. See Pay code types.


If selected, the pay code is active.

Note: This field is not directly editable. To edit this field, use the Set Inactive or Set Active button.


Description for the pay code.

Short Description

The short description is used:

  • in reports where there is not enough room to fit in the long description
  • when entering standard pays in the Pay Details tab of Payroll Maintenance. See Payroll Maintenance - Pay Details tab.
Income Stream Type

ATO defined income stream type. You can select:

  • SAW - Salary and wages
  • CHP - Closely held payees
  • IAA - Inbound assignees to Australia
  • WHM - Working holiday makers
  • SWP - Seasonal worker programme
  • FEI - Foreign Employment
  • JPD - Joint petroleum development area
  • VOL - Voluntary agreement
  • LAB - Labour hire
  • OSP - Other specified payments.

For more information including how income stream types relate to pay codes, see Pay code types.

Default Paid Leave Type

Default paid leave type for the pay code. You can select:

  • C - Cash out leave in service
  • U - Unused leave on termination
  • P - Paid parental leave
  • W - Workers' compensation
  • A - Ancillary and defence leave
  • O - Other paid leave
  • Blank.

Note: This field is only displayed when Paid leave is selected using the Reporting category drop-down list. The following are not reported as Paid Leave Types:

  • Lump Sums – reported as Payment Type Lump Sum Payment Amount.
  • Employment Termination Payment (ETP) – reported as payment type in the Termination Payments.

Reporting Category

Category used to group payments linked to the selected pay code type in Single Touch Payroll (AU) and Payday Filing (NZ) submissions. See Finalising payroll.

For each pay code type there are a set of valid reporting categories. For more information, see Pay code types.

Important: You must select a reporting category for each pay code type.

Note: You can select the Super liability reporting category for employees by selecting a reporting category of Superannuation Guarantee for the pay code then either Only Submit OTE or Submit Both using the Super Liability/OTE Submit drop-down list on the Tax tab of Payroll Maintenance. See Payroll Maintenance - Tax tab.

Note: The Lump Sum A reporting category has been deprecated. When you update a pay code that uses this reporting category, Synergetic will alert you to employees affected by the change so you can update their records to use either Lump Sum A - Type R or Lump Sum A - Type T.

Leave Code

Leave code, if the pay code is associated with leave.

For example, an annual leave pay code may have a HOLS leave code.

Note: When this field is populated you must also select Paid leave using the Reporting category drop-down list. The following warning is displayed if attempt to save with a different reporting category selected:

Award Code

Only employees with this award have access to this pay code. See Maintaining awards in the Human resources manual.

Tip: Leave this field blank to allow all employees to access this pay code.

Debtor Fee Code

Debtor fee code, if the pay code is associated with a debtor fee. For example, if staff members have students attending the school, you may want to garnish staff wages against unpaid school fees.

Note: Only debtor accounts with a student ID of 0 can have salaries credited against debtor fees. That is, debtors who do not use sub-ledgers or student billing.

Include in Superannuation Calculation

Clear this field if this pay code is not included in superannuation calculations.

For example, a superannuation Deduction - Pre-Tax (non-superannuation) pay code is not included in the gross pay otherwise the superannuation calculation would be incorrect.

Include in Timesheets

Select to allow employees to submit timesheets with this pay code on the SynWeb Staff Kiosk.

Note: You can prevent individual employees from submitting timesheets for a specific pay code in the Pay Details tab of Payroll Employee Maintenance. See Payroll Maintenance - Pay Details tab.

Include in Leave Calculation

Select to include this pay code in leave calculations.

Note: Only select this field if leave is calculated by Hours Worked.

Include in Earners Levy Calculation

Select to include the pay code in the earners levy calculation.

Note: When this field is cleared amounts linked to this pay code will be displayed on the IRD employer deductions report. See Preparing IRD monthly schedules.

Include Factor in Leave Calculation

Select to include the pay line factor in leave calculations.

Note: If cleared, leave is calculated with a factor of 1.

Contributes to OTE

Select to include the pay code in Ordinary Time Earnings (OTE) total for Single Touch Payroll (AU) and Payday Filing (NZ) submissions.

Note: This field is only displayed when the Calculate and Submit OTE field is selected on the General tab of Payroll Configuration. See Payroll Configuration - General tab.

Note: You can determine how superannuation liability is reported for each payroll employee using the Super Liability/OTE Submit drop-down list on the Tax tab of Payroll Maintenance. See Payroll Maintenance - Tax tab

Include in Ordinary Weekly Earnings (NZ)

Select to include the pay code in Ordinary Weekly Earnings calculation used to calculate holiday pay.

Note: You can use the Weekly Earnings Assistant tab of Payroll Maintenance to determine holiday pay calculations. See Payroll Maintenance - Weekly Earnings Assistant tab.

General Ledger area fields




Code for the general ledger account to post entries to.

Note: If you are setting up a pay code to credit against a debtor account, the pay code should use the same General Ledger code as the debtor fee code.

Sub Allocation Code

Sub-allocation code for the general ledger account, if used.

Pay area fields



Pay Rate

Pay rate based on the pay units.

For example, $18 per hour if the pay unit is 40 hours per week.

Pay Units

Number of units within the pay period.

For example, 40 hours per week.

Pay Amount

Calculated gross pay amount based on the Pay Rate and Pay Units fields.

Note: Foreign withholding amounts should be entered as negative amounts. Synergetic displays a warning when positive withholding amounts are entered and negates these amounts during STP processing.

Pay Factor

Factor used to calculate the pay code amount payable.

For example:

  • leave loading of 17.5% is represented as 0.175
  • superannuation guarantee contribution of 9.25% is represented as 0.0925
  • time and a half is represented as 1.5.




Launch into General Ledger Maintenance. See Maintaining general ledger accounts in the General ledger manual.

Set the pay code to Active or Inactive.

Note: You cannot deactivate pay codes that are being used in an open pay.