Payroll Maintenance - Personal tab

Use the Personal tab to view contact details for the community member, against which the payroll employee record has been created.

Note: Payroll employees with an address located in Australia or an unspecified Blank country must have a postcode.

 Opening the Personal tab

To open the Personal tab:

  1. Select Payroll > Payroll Employee Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Set Payroll Search Criteria window is displayed.
  2. Search for the employee payroll record for the staff member. See Searching for payroll employees.
    The Personal tab of the Payroll Maintenance window is displayed.

Payroll Maintenance - Personal tab key fields and buttons




Launch into Community Maintenance for the current payroll employee record. See Maintaining community members in the Community manual.

Launch into Staff Maintenance for the current payroll employee record. See Maintaining staff in the Human resources manual.