Setting up entitlements for existing employees

Setting up entitlements for existing employees

To set up entitlements for existing employees:

  1. Open FTE tab of Payroll Maintenance. See Payroll Maintenance - FTE tab.
  2. Check that the current award and FTE Total is set up correctly for the employee.
  3. Click the Leave tab.
  4. Click .
    Synergetic will calculate an employee's leave entitlements up to the date you specify using the following:

    • leave that has been documented in the Leave History grid
    • the employee's start date
    • the employee's FTE value.

    If you do not have a complete leave history entered for an employee or you just want to manually override the figures generated by Synergetic, enter the balance amount.
    You may also notice that the Balance Date in the grid may not be the one you actually specified. This is because you may have entered today's date but the entitlement roll actually took place a month ago.
  5. When you enter leave information in the Leave History grid, Synergetic automatically updates entitlement balances. This only affects the balances if you enter leave details that occurred before the date of the last roll.
    For example, if you enter two days on holidays for an employee on the 25/07/2014 and the last roll for this employee was 1/08/2014, Synergetic will dock two days off their entitlement (assuming it accrues). You need to bear this in mind if you are entering historical leave details. 

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