Leave entitlement rules

Leave entitlement rules

Entitlements are based on an employee's start date.

For example, if an employee starts on 10/01/2014 and the first entitlement is due after three months, their leave entitlement becomes due at 10/04/2014.

  1. Open the Leave Awards tab of Payroll Configuration. See Payroll Configuration - Leave Awards tab.
  2. In the Leave Entitlements area, define the entitlement levels to be applied for each leave code within the award. Synergetic supports entitlements by:

    • period of employment
    • recurring entitlements.

    In the example above, after three months of employment and every four months after that, the employee is entitled to an extra six units of leave.
  3. In the After Months Employed field, specify the number of months that an employee has to be employed before that entitlement becomes due. A value of 0 indicates that the entitlement is due as soon as the employee starts employment.
  4. If this is a recurring entitlement, for example the entitlement occurs every three months, enter the period in the Additional Months field.
    Annual leave is a good example to illustrate this point. An employee might be entitled to fifteen days' of leave after every twelve months of employment. If this is the case then the only entry needed for this leave type is as follows:
  5. You can specify multiple levels of entitlements depending on months of employment as illustrated below:

    The above example indicates that an employee gets five days of leave for every three months for the first five years (60 months) of employment, but after this they get six days of annual leave every three months.