Integrating leave processing with Current Pay Maintenance

Integrating leave processing with Current Pay Maintenance

To select whether or not to have full leave integration with Current Pay Maintenance:

  1. Open the General tab of Payroll Configuration Maintenance. See Payroll Configuration - General tab.
    The General tab of Payroll Configuration Maintenance is displayed.
  2. Select Leave Prompt When Entering Pays.

  3. Select either:

    • Never. You need to add leave information in the Leave Used This Pay Period grid manually.
    • Always. Synergetic always prompts for leave information as pay lines are entered, provided the pay code of the line is linked to a leave code. For example, if you enter:

       - a pay code of NSICK with 2 units used, Synergetic prompts for leave details for this line of pay
       - another pay line of NSICK, Synergetic prompts for leave details again.

    • First Time Only. Synergetic only prompts for leave details on an employee if the leave type you are entering does not already exist for that employee in the current pay.

       For example, if you enter:

       • a pay code of NSICK with 2 units used, Synergetic prompts for leave details for this line of pay
       • another pay line of NSICK, Synergetic does not prompt for leave details again.

       Entering NHOL will however ask for leave details as it uses a different leave code.

    As soon as an employee is included in a pay run, their entitlements are calculated up to the pay date.

  4. Open the Leave tab of Current Pay Maintenance. See Current Pay Maintenance - Leave tab.

    All leave information taken during the current pay period is recorded on this tab.

    Note: Leave pay lines and transactions are automatically processed when a new pay is created and can be viewed on the Detail and Leave tabs of Current Pay Maintenance respectively. See Maintaining current pays.

  5. Add, modify or delete leave records as required.
    As with Payroll Maintenance, if you enter leave information that occurred before the last roll date, then the balance at that date is altered accordingly.

    The information you enter appears on the grid area on the Leave tabs of both Current Pay Maintenance and Payroll Maintenance.

  6. If you delete the NSICK current pay line, Synergetic also deletes the leave record. However, if you delete the leave record from the Leave tab, Synergetic will not delete the NSICK record. Both cases have suitably worded messages.
  7. If you modify a line of pay detail with an associated leave record then the Leave Details window appears, but with the original information. It is up to you to make any alterations to that record as well.

    For example, if you change units used from three to five on the Pay Details tab then you must also change this on the Leave Details window. 

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