Synergetic Suite v71.01
Synergetic Suite v71.01
Compliance Work
Type | Issue key | Summary | Product | Module/Program | Notes |
Improvement | DSY-22404 | NAPLAN Student Registration - Victoria VCAA Changes - Gender and Salutation | SynDB | Student Import and Export of data | Import_Export Student Data - NAPLAN tab |
Improvement | DSY-23245 | NZQA Standards - (Assessment Opportunity) UI improvements for various NZQA Standards related fields | SynDB, SynMain, SynWeb | Student Import and Export of data | Setting NCEA standards in bulk |
Improvement | DSY-23261 | NZQA Standards Changes for 2023 - Assessment Opportunity | SynDB, SynMain | Student Import and Export of data | Current Student Maintenance - NCEA tab |
Improvement | DSY-23475 | WA SCSA - RSLAS 2022 - Remove Modified Curriculum Code - 'OR' | SynDB | Student Import and Export of data | Import_Export Student Data - WA SCSA tab |
Improvement | DSY-23582 | CECV - Changes for Notes and Codes 2023 (Additional) | SynDB | System -> Lookup Tables Maint | What's new to System maintenance |
Improvement | DSY-17906 | Minor Changes - Student Data Import/Export screen - CEO Tab | SynMain | Student Import and Export of data | Import_Export Student Data - CEO tab |
Epic | DSY-23210 | NZMOE Roll Returns for 2023 | SynDB, SynMain | Student Import and Export of data | What's new to roll returns |
Bug | DSY-22469 | VCAA NAPLAN (Victorian - VCAA) Course Type: NAP or ONL | SynMain | Student Maint -> Import/Export Student Data |
Type | Issue key | Summary | Product | Module/Program | Notes |
Story | DSY-23521 | Ability to create Students for POST and PUT FutureStudent endpoints | Developer Portal | SynAPI | Synergetic Developer Portal |
Improvement | DSY-23548 | Better error message handling for WCF Service when the school does not have a valid license to use SynAPI | SynAPI | SynAPI | |
Story | DSY-23489 | Create a config key for CC feature | SynDB, SynMain | Community -> Community Maintenance | |
Epic | DSY-23329 | Online Leave Application Milestone 1 - Ability to create and manage leave applications | SynMain, SynWeb | Online Leave Applications | |
Story | DSY-23584 | Ability to adjust pay when a staff member has applied for a leave application for this period | SynMain | Payroll -> Calculate Payroll Leave | Synergetic Financial Configuration - Payroll tab |
Improvement | DSY-23675 | Include default email address when exporting students to Excel | SynMain, SynWeb | Student Import and Export of data | Exporting information to Microsoft Excel |
Improvement | DSY-23685 | Show student count in Class Maintenance Class Selector | SynMain | Student Maint |
Bugs Resolved
Type | Issue key | Summary | Product | Module/Program | Notes |
Bug | DSY-23698 | STUMEDICALCONDDETAILS, STUMEDICALDEFAULTCONDDETAILS and STUMEDICALDEFAULTSFORM use incorrect field in filter | Crystal | Reports (Crystal/SSRS) | |
Bug | DSY-21900 | STUHNUM report totals not display when over 3 digits | Crystal | Student Maint | |
Bug | DSY-23597 | Comm Portal > My Details > Census Information - Allows saving of non-numeric characters in highest year level | SynComPort | Community portal My Details | |
Bug | DSY-23592 | Attempting to close a posting may generate error "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'ForeignCurrencyCode" | SynDB | Creditors | |
Bug | DSY-23551 | Patcher drops PayrollCodeDefinitions_UTR trigger from DB and then later patcher disables trigger which results in a DB error | SynDB | Database | |
Bug | DSY-23813 | NZ Roll Return - Zoning status must be NAPP for boarders in a school without an enrolment scheme | SynDB | Integration with NZ MOE (Secndry/Comp) | |
Bug | DSY-19899 | Incorrect Spelling International Student Tuition Variation Report | SynDB, SynMain | Reports (Crystal/SSRS) | |
Bug | DSY-23724 | SIF StudentSchoolEnrollments object - handle setups where no Campus is used (ie blank field) but data has space in Campus code | SynDB | System | |
Bug | DSY-23653 | Issues importing Yard Duty and Yard Duty Extras when using Timetabling Solutions v10 | SynDB | Timetabling | |
Bug | DSY-23714 | Timetable import not creating Subject Classes when Timetable records exist but no Students | SynDB | ||
Bug | DSY-11985 | ‘Find Receipt Number’ window doesn’t open full size | SynMain | Debtors Cash Receipts Entry | |
Bug | DSY-23687 | Payroll Employee Maint > Leave: Save Grid Layout shows up when it shouldn't | SynMain | Payroll | |
Bug | DSY-21351 | cannot enter 9 digit ID in create community member creation wizard | SynMain | Student Import and Export of data | |
Bug | DSY-23618 | Form builder submit button does not honor validation check when terms and conditions is unchecked | SynOnline | Form Builder | |
Bug | DSY-23495 | Assessments - Result Calculations Error when using SAML | SynWeb | Assessments and Reporting | |
Bug | DSY-16692 | Markbook - Apply Calculations button does not work. | SynWeb | Assessments and Reporting | |
Bug | DSY-23504 | Results Maintenance - AutoRunResultCalcProcFlag does not automatically calculate a result | SynWeb | Assessments and Reporting Student Results Maint | |
Bug | DSY-23477 | SynWeb - Mark Book Bulk Set functionality is unclickable | SynWeb | Assessments and Reporting Results | |
Bug | DSY-23325 | User is unable to right click on class in Staff Scheduler in 70.18 | SynWeb | Attendances | |
Bug | DSY-23604 | Sports/Cocurricular Maint - Unable to add schedules | SynWeb | CoCurricular and Staff Scheduling | |
Bug | DSY-23511 | Form Builder: Button is not keeping its Enabled property in published form | SynWeb | Form Builder | |
Bug | DSY-23346 | Synweb - Medical Maintenance - Incident report throws error cannot read undefined properties | SynWeb | Medical Records | |
Bug | DSY-23401 | SynWeb - External Tests Maintenance - Error when searching for an external test | SynWeb | Other / Miscellaneous | |
Bug | DSY-23256 | Purchase Order Requisition errors when user logs in using SAML authentication | SynWeb | Purchase Orders | |
Bug | DSY-23492 | Student maintenance - Comments - asp .net validation error when pasting in text | SynWeb | Student Maint | |
Bug | DSY-23416 | Viewing the Classes table on Students with 'empty' class records in the grid may trigger DevExpress error message | SynWeb | Student Maint | |
Bug | DSY-23403 | Excursions maintenance - Error when entering/pasting information into text fields | SynWeb | Student Maint Student Maintenance | |
Bug | DSY-23400 | Pastoral care - asp .net validation error when pasting in text | SynWeb | Student Maint Student Maintenance | |
Bug | DSY-23399 | Records flickering/jumping fluctuating when opened | SynWeb | Student Maint Student Maintenance | |
Bug | DSY-23491 | SynWeb - Student maint. - Toolbar Icons not displaying the special needs icon immediately | SynWeb | Student Maint Student Maintenance | |
Bug | DSY-23599 | Infinite login page loop in synweb | SynWeb |
, multiple selections available,