Western Australian organisations are required to report to the School Curriculum and Standards Authority. See School Curriculum and Standards Authority.
Important: You will only see this tab if the RegionCode configuration setting value is set to WA. See RegionCode configuration setting.
You can use the WA SCSA tab to produce the following submission files: |
| Synergetic does not produce these WA SCSA submission files: |
Export Course Offerings | (OFCOS) | DTWD Funded VET Skill Set Enrolments | (ENSKILL) |
Export Endorsed Programs | (ENEND) | DTWD Funded VET Skill Sets Results | (RSSKILL) |
Export Endorsed Programs Results | (RSEND) | DTWD Funded VET Skill Set Unit of Competency Results | (RSUSKILL) |
Export VET Unit of Competency | (ENVET) | Externally Set Tasks Results | (RSEST) |
Export VET Unit of Competency Results | (RSVET) | VET Qualification Results | (RSQUAL) |
Export WACE Student Registration and Demographic | (SRGDG) | Primary School Teacher Registration File | (THREG) |
Export WACE Subject Enrolments | (ENCOS) |
Export WACE COS Results | (RSCOS) |
Export ESQUAL file | (ESQUAL) |
Export RSLAS file PILOTING IN 2023 | (RSLAS) |
Export RSCOT file | (RSCOT) |
Additionally, you can use the tab to import SCSA student numbers.
Opening the WA SCSA tab To open the WA SCSA tab: - Select Module > Students > Student Data Import/Export from the main menu.
The WA SCSA tab of the Import/Export Student Data window is displayed. Tip: You can also access the student import and export functions by clicking .
Required configuration
You can click the following link for details of the fields that must be configured before you use the WA SCSA tab to import and export student data. Once you have completed the required configuration you can use the documentation for the Process Type field (see below) to maintain configuration settings for each report.
Initial configuration Synergetic field | Configuration details | Used for... |
SCSA Field | SCSA File |
Attribute | - This value is defined using the first attribute on the Attributes tab of Community Maintenance where the Attribute field value has an ExternalSystemType of CCWA and an ExternalSystemCode of LABOUR. See Community Maintenance - Attributes tab.
- The values of the Attribute field are defined using the luCommunityAttributes lookup table. See luCommunityAttributes lookup table.
- This value is blank when there is no attribute record or no attribute record with an ExternalSystemType of CCWA and an ExternalSystemCode of LABOUR.
| Labour Force Identifier | SRGDG | Actual Semester | Note: This value is 3 (full year) for classes where there is a Next Year Class containing a matching Class Code. | Semester | ENCOS | ENEND | ENVET | RSVET | Board Studies Code
| Note: The OFCOS file uses the third to fifth characters of the Board Studies Code for the Course Code. Note: The OFCOS, ENVET and RSVET files use the first twelve characters of the Board Studies Code for the Unit Code. | Course Code
| ENCOS | ENVET | OFCOS | RSVET | Endorsed Programs Code | ENEND | Qualification Code | ESQUAL | Student Qualification Code | ENVET | RSVET | Unit Code | ENVET | OFCOS | RSVET | Board Studies Type
| | Course Type
| ENCOS | ENVET | OFCOS | RSVET | Class Code | - This value is defined using the Class code of the class in Class Maintenance.
| Class Identification | ENCOS | ENEND | ENVET | RSVET | Country of Birth | - This value is defined using the Country of Birth field on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
- This value is populated when the country record has an ExternalSystemCode value of MCEETYA. See luCountry lookup table.
- This value is blank when the country record has an ExternalSystemCode with any other value.
| Country of Birth Identifier | SRGDG | Heading | | Unit of Competency Code | ENVET | RSVET | Intended Tertiary Qualification | | Qualification Code | ENCOS | OFCOS | Overall Result/Overall Seq
| - This value is defined using:
| Result | RSCOS | - This value is defined using:
Defining the practical mark | Course unit practical mark – out of 100 | RSCOS | - This value is defined using:
Defining the written mark | Course unit written mark – out of 100 | RSCOS | - This value is defined using:
| Course unit mark – out of 100 | RSCOS | Provider | | Registered Training Organisation Code | ENVET | ESQUAL | RSVET | Registration Number | | Teacher Registration Number | ENCOS | ENEND | ENVET | OFCOS | RSVET | School Code | | Provider Code | ENCOS | ENEND | ENVET | ESQUAL | OFCOS | RSVET | SRGDG | Speaking | - This value is defined using the Speaking field on the Flags tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Flags tab.
- This value is populated with the first letter of the speaking proficiency record when the record has an ExternalSystemCode value of MCEETYA. See luESLProficiencyLevel lookup table.
- This value is blank when the speaking proficiency record has an ExternalSystemCode with any other value.
| Proficiency in Spoken English | SRGDG | Start/Stop | - This value is defined using the Start and Stop fields on the matching student entry on the Students tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - Students tab.
| Enrolment Activity | ENVET | ESQUAL | Enrolment Activity for Course | ENCOS | ENEND | Enrolment Activity for Unit | ENCOS | Enrolment Activity Start Date | ENVET | RSVET | Enrolment Activity End Date | ENVET | RSVET | Studies Code | | West Australian Student Number (WASN) | ENCOS | ENVET | ESQUAL | RSVET | SRGDG | Visa Subclass | | Visa Subclass | SRGDG | Vocational Education Code | - This value is defined using the Vocational Education Code field on the Codes tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Codes tab.
- This value has a maximum field length of 10 characters.
| VET USI | ENVET | RSVET | SRGDG | Year Level | - These values are defined by selecting CCWA using the ExternalSystemType field in the luYearLevel lookup table. See luYearLevel lookup table.
| SRGDG | Year Levels | | Brightpath Project Student | SRGDG |
Import/Export Student Data - WA SCSA tab key fields and buttons
Field | Description |
School code | School code assigned to your organisation by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority. |
Process Type
| Process type. Valid options include: - Export Course Offerings
- Export Endorsed Programs
- Export Endorsed Programs Results
- Export VET Unit of Competency (Vocational Educational Training student enrolments and contact details)
- Export VET Unit of Competency Results
- Import Student Numbers
- Export WACE Student Registration and Demographic
- Export WACE Subject Enrolments
- Export WACE COS (Courses of Study) Results
- Export ESQUAL file
- Export RSLAS file.
Process Type | Code | Description |
Export Course Offerings | OFCOS | Used to export a report comparing the number of students in courses at your organisation against the number of enrolments. |
View configuration details
Selection criteriaThis report only includes classes with: Report values Column | Heading | Description |
A | Record Type | Export file code. Note: This value is always "OFCOS". | B | Provider Code | Provider code of the school or organisation authorised to offer the Western Australian Certificate of Education. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory |
| C | Academic Year | Academic year. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory |
- This value is defined using the Normal Year Level field on the General tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - General tab.
- The values of the Normal Year Level field are defined using the luYearLevel lookup table. See luYearLevel lookup table.
- This value has a maximum field length of 2 characters.
Note: SCSA requires this value to be either 10, 11 or 12. This is not enforced in Synergetic, so you must check the export file to ensure no students prior to Year 10 are included. | D | Calendar Year | Calendar year. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory |
- This value is defined using the Process Date field on the WA SCSA tab of the Import/Export Student Data window. See Import_Export Student Data - WA SCSA tab.
- This value has a maximum field length of 4 characters.
- This value has the format YYYY.
| E | Course Code | Course code. Note: The Course code is the third to fifth characters of the Board Studies Code. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory |
| F | Course Type | Course type. Note: This value can be either COS or VETCOS. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory |
- This value is defined using the Board Studies Type field on the General tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - General tab.
- The values of the Board Studies Type field are defined using the luBoardStudiesType lookup table. See luBoardStudiesType lookup table.
- This value has a maximum field length of 6 characters.
| G | Unit Code | Unit code. Note: The Unit code is the first twelve characters of the Board Studies Code. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory |
| H | Qualification Code | Qualification code. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory (VETCOS) |
| I | Student Count | Number of students enrolled in the class. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory |
- This value has a maximum field length of 9 characters.
| J | Teacher Family Name | Surname of the staff member teaching the class. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory |
- This value is defined using the community member information stored on the Staff tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - Staff tab.
- This value has a maximum field length of 30 characters.
| K | Teacher Given Name | Given name of the staff member teaching the class. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory |
- This value is defined using the community member information stored on the Staff tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - Staff tab.
- This value has a maximum field length of 30 characters.
| L | Teacher Registration Number | Registration number issued by the Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia (TRBWA). | Key configuration details |
Mandatory |
- This value is defined using the Registration Number field on the School tab of Staff Maintenance. See Staff Maintenance - School tab.
- Registration Number field on the School tab of Staff Maintenance is populated with:
- the Staff Maintenance > Check tab row that has:
- a Synergy Meaning of Registration
- the latest end date
- or if there are 2 or more records with the same end date the last entered record.
- This value has a maximum field length of 15 characters.
| M | Number of Students for Teacher | Estimated number of students for each teacher. Note: This value is automatically determined by adding up the Student Count (Column I) totals across all classes for each unique teacher as defined by the Teacher Family name, Teacher Given name, and Teacher Registration Number values. | Key configuration details |
Optional |
- This value has a maximum length of 9 characters.
| N | Main Teacher Contact | Whether the recorded staff member is the main teacher contact for the class. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory |
- This value is Y where the staff member is the only teacher teaching a class with entered Board Studies Code and Board Studies Type field values.
- This value is N when multiple staff members teach classes with the same Board Studies Code and Board Studies Type field values.
Export Endorsed Programs | ENEND | Used to export a report listing student enrolments in endorsed programs and identifying students studying endorsed programs at other providers. |
View configuration details
Selection criteriaThis report only includes classes with: Report values Column | Heading | Description |
A | Record Type | Export file code. Note: This value is always "ENEND". | B | Provider Code | Provider code of the school or organisation authorised to offer the Western Australian Certificate of Education. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory |
| C | Endorsed Programs Code | Code allocated to the class by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory |
- This value is defined using the entire Board Studies Code entered on the General tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - General tab.
- The values of the Board Studies Code field are defined using the luBoardStudiesSubjects lookup table. See luBoardStudiesSubjects lookup table.
- This value has a maximum field length of 12 characters.
| D | Western Australian Student Number (WASN) | Candidate number allocated to the student by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory |
- This value is defined using the Studies Code field on the Codes tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Codes tab.
- This value has a maximum field length of 15 characters.
| E | Student Family Name | Surname of the student taking the class. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory |
- This value is defined using the community member information stored on the Student tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - Students tab.
- This value has a maximum field length of 30 characters.
| F | Student Given Name | Given name of the student taking the class. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory (Unless student only has a surname) |
- This value is defined using the community member information stored on the Student tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - Students tab.
- This value has a maximum field length of 30 characters.
| G | Calendar Year | Calendar year. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory |
- This value is defined using the Year field on the WA SCSA tab of Import/Export Student Data window. See Import_Export Student Data - WA SCSA tab.
- This value has a maximum field length of 4 characters.
- This value has the format YYYY.
| H | Academic Year | Academic year. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory |
Note: SCSA requires this value to be either 10, 11 or 12. This is not enforced in Synergetic, so you must check the export file to ensure no students prior to Year 10 are included. | I | Semester | Semester. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory |
| J | Contact/Teacher Family Name | Family name of the staff member teaching the class. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory (When Given name or registration number is specified) |
- This value is defined using the community member information stored on the Staff tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - Staff tab.
- This field has a maximum field length of 30 characters.
| K | Contact/Teacher Given Name | Given name of the staff member teaching the class. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory (When Family name or registration number is specified) |
- This value is defined using the community member information stored on the Staff tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - Staff tab.
- This field has a maximum field length of 30 characters.
| L | Contact/Teacher Registration Number | Registration number issued by the Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia (TRBWA). | Key configuration details |
Mandatory (AU) |
Optional (Overseas schools) |
- This value is defined using the Registration Number field on the School tab of Staff Maintenance. See Staff Maintenance - School tab.
- Registration Number field on the School tab of Staff Maintenance is populated with:
- the Staff Maintenance > Check tab row that has:
- a Synergy Meaning of Registration
- the latest end date
- or if there are 2 or more records with the same end date the last entered record.
- This field has a maximum field length of 15 characters.
| M | Class Identification | Class code used to identify the class in Class Maintenance. | Key configuration details |
Optional |
- This value is defined using the Class code of the class in Class Maintenance.
- This field has a maximum field length of 20 characters.
| N | Enrolment Activity for Course | Whether the student is enrolled in the course. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory |
- This value is defined using the Start and Stop fields on the matching student entry on the Students tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - Students tab.
- This value is E (Enrolled) when the Process Date entered on the WA SCSA tab of the Import/Export Student Data window is between the Start and Stop dates. See Import_Export Student Data - WA SCSA tab.
- This value is W (Withdrawn) when the above statement is false.
| O | Course Code | Leave this field blank. | P | Qualification Code | Leave this field blank. Note: Synergetic does not store ADWPL for classes and thus cannot enforce the SCSA rules for this field. |
Export Endorsed Programs Results | RSEND | Used to export a report listing student endorsed program results and achievements by academic year. |
View configuration details
Selection criteriaThis report only includes classes with: Report values Column | Heading | Description |
A | Record type | Export file code. Note: This value is always "RSEND". | B | Provider code | Provider code of the school or organisation authorised to offer the Western Australian Certificate of Education. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory |
| C | Endorsed Programs Code | Code allocated to the class by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory |
- This value is defined using the entire Board Studies Code entered on the General tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - General tab.
- The values of the Board Studies Code field are defined using the luBoardStudiesSubjects lookup table. See luBoardStudiesSubjects lookup table.
- This value has a maximum field length of 12 characters.
| D | Western Australian Student Number (WASN) | Candidate number allocated to the student by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory |
- This value is defined using the Studies Code field on the Codes tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Codes tab.
- This value has a maximum field length of 15 characters.
| E | Student Family Name | Surname of the student taking the class. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory |
- This value is defined using the community member information stored on the Student tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - Students tab.
- This value has a maximum field length of 30 characters.
| F | Student Given Name | Given name of the student taking the class. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory (Unless the student only has a Surname) |
- This value is defined using the community member information stored on the Student tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - Students tab.
- This value has a maximum field length of 30 characters.
| G | Calendar Year | Calendar year. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory |
- This value is defined using the Year field on the WA SCSA tab of Import/Export Student Data window. See Import_Export Student Data - WA SCSA tab.
- This value has a maximum field length of 4 characters.
- This value has the format YYYY.
| H | Academic year | Academic year. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory |
Note: SCSA requires this value to be either 10, 11 or 12. This is not enforced in Synergetic, so you must check the export file to ensure no students prior to Year 10 are included. | I | Semester | Semester. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory |
| J | Result | Result for the subject assessment area linked to the class. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory |
- This value is defined using the subject assessment area entered into the Assessment Code field on the General tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - General tab.
- This value has a maximum field length of 5 characters.
| K | Staff Surname | Surname of the staff member teaching the class. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory (When Given name or registration number is specified) |
- This value is defined using the community member information stored on the Staff tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - Staff tab.
- This field has a maximum field length of 30 characters.
| L | Staff Given Name | Given name of the staff member teaching the class. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory (When Family name or registration number is specified) |
- This value is defined using the community member information stored on the Staff tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - Staff tab.
- This field has a maximum field length of 30 characters.
| M | Staff Registration Number | Registration number issued by the Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia (TRBWA). | Key configuration details |
Mandatory (AU) |
Optional (Overseas schools) |
- This value is defined using the Registration Number field on the School tab of Staff Maintenance. See Staff Maintenance - School tab.
- Registration Number field on the School tab of Staff Maintenance is populated with:
- the Staff Maintenance > Check tab row that has:
- a Synergy Meaning of Registration
- the latest end date
- or if there are 2 or more records with the same end date the last entered record.
- This field has a maximum field length of 15 characters.
| N | Class identification | Class code. | Key configuration details |
Optional |
- This value is defined using the Class code defined for the class using Class Maintenance.
| O | Qualification code | Leave this field blank. Note: Synergetic does not store ADWPL for classes and thus cannot enforce the SCSA rules for this field. |
Export VET Unit of Competency | ENVET | Used to export a report listing student VET units of competency results and achievements by academic year. |
View configuration details
Selection criteriaThis report only includes classes with: Report values Column | Heading | Description |
A | Record Type | Export file code. Note: This value is always "ENVET". | B | Provider Code | Provider code of the school or organisation authorised to offer the Western Australian Certificate of Education. | Key configuration details |
Mandatory |
| C | Course Code | Course code. | Key configuration details |
Optional |
- This value is defined using the Board Studies Code field on the General tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - General tab.
- The values of the Board Studies Code field are defined using the luBoardStudiesSubjects lookup table. See luBoardStudiesSubjects lookup table.
- This value has a maximum field length of 12 characters.
| D | Course Type | Course type. | Key configuration details |
Optional |
- This value is defined using Board Studies Type field on the General tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - General tab.
- The values of the Board Studies Type field are defined using the luBoardStudiesType lookup table. See luBoardStudiesType lookup table.
- This value has a maximum field length of 6 characters.
- This value must be VETCOS when the course is a VET industry-specific course. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
| E | Unit Code | Unit code. | Key configuration details |
Optional |
- This is defined using the Board Studies Code on the General tab of Class Maintenance. Se