Setting up payroll leave codes

Setting up payroll leave codes

Leave codes define the different kinds of leave that an employee is entitled to within your organisation.

You must set up the leave codes before you define the payroll award codes. See Setting up payroll award codes.

To add a new leave code or make changes to the details of an existing code:

  1. Select Module > System > Lookup Tables Maintenance - Finance.
  2. Select the luPayrollLeave lookup table. See luPayrollLeave lookup table in the Finance manual.
  3. Enter your leave code in the Code field. Typical leave codes are SICK, HOL and LSL. This does not have any effect on leave calculations but is required for leave loading calculations.
  4. Ensure that your holiday leave code has HOLIDAYS in the SynergyMeaning field.
  5. Use the ShowOnPayslipFlag to indicate if the leave code prints on the pay slip.
    For example, you may want to keep track of an employee's long service entitlements but not necessarily show it on the payslips.
  6. Use the PayslipSortSeq to determine the order the leave code appears on the pay slip.
    If the sort order is not specified, the leave codes print alphabetically on the pay slip.
  7. Select the ForceFTELeaveCalcFlag for some leave types, such as LSL. See luPayrollLeave lookup table in the Finance manual.