Adding a pay code to the current pay

Adding a pay code to the current pay

You can add a pay code to all open pays in the current pay. This is useful for adding a leave loading pay or other bulk changes to pay.

To add a pay code to all pays in the current pay at once:

  1. Select Action > Add Pay Code To Current Pay....
    The Add Pay Code to Current Pay window is displayed.
  2. Select the required fields.
  3. Click .
    The pay code is added to all pays the current pay.

Add Pay Code to Current Pay window key fields



Pay Code

Select the pay code to add.

Paid Leave Type

Select the default paid leave type for the pay code. You can select:

  • C - Cash out leave in service
  • U - Unused leave on termination
  • P - Paid parental leave
  • W - Workers' compensation
  • A - Ancillary and defence leave
  • O - Other paid leave
  • Blank.

Note: This field is only displayed when a pay code with the Paid leave reporting category is selected using the Pay Code drop-down list.

GL Code

Select the general ledger code to use for the pay code.

Set to First Line of Pay

Use the same G/L code as the first line of pay.

GL Sub Alloc

Select the general ledger sub-allocation code to use for the pay code.

Set to First Line of Pay

Use the same G/L Sub Alloc code as the first line of pay.


Type in the rate for the pay.


Type in the units for the pay.


Type in the factor for the pay.


Type in the amount for the pay.


Type in the description for the pay.

Add After Last Line Of

Add this pay code after the last line of the selected pay code.

Allow Duplications of this Pay Code

Select to allow other entries of this pay code in the pay.

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