Current Pay Maintenance - Summary tab

Current Pay Maintenance - Summary tab

Use the Summary tab to:

  • view summary taxation information for an employee for the current pay run
  • override the tax calculated
  • override the pay periods
  • override the usual payment method.

The Summary tab shows information from both the employee's master file record and totals from the employee's current pay. You can use this information to verify employee pays and make sure that they are being paid the correct amount.

 Opening the Summary tab

To open the Summary tab:

  1. Select Payroll > Current Pay Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Detail tab of the Current Pay Maintenance window is displayed.
  2. Open the required payroll employee. Either use the:

    • navigation buttons on the Current Pay Maintenance window
    • Current Pay Selector window.

  3. Click the Summary tab.
    The Summary tab of the Current Pay Maintenance window is displayed.

Current Pay Maintenance - Summary tab key fields and buttons

Taxation Details area fields



Tax Scale

Tax scale that applies for the employee based on information supplied by the employee upon the commencement of their employment.

Note: Whenever tax rates change, your administrator will receive a text file from Synergetic Management Systems that they can import. See Loading new tax rates.

Dependant Rebate

Any tax rebate for dependants.

Pay Periods

Normally, the tax period is the same as the pay period. That is, if the employee is paid fortnightly, they are taxed fortnightly. However, if this is an unusual pay, you need to change the pay period to reflect the actual tax period so that the employee is not over-taxed.

For example, suppose an employee who is normally paid fortnightly receives an advance payment containing a long service leave payment, you do not want them to be taxed on the whole amount as if it was their fortnightly pay.

Note: This is not taking into account other pays in a pay period.

Income Stream

ATO defined income stream type.


Country code of the selected payroll employee.

You must select a country for pay codes with the following income stream types:

  • Foreign Employment (FEI)
  • Inbound Assignees to Australia (IAA)
  • Working Holiday Maker (WHM).

Note: This field is only active when a Country code is required. 

Gross Pay

The total pay owed to the employee, before tax.

Tax Allow

The employee's tax allowance.


Any tax allowances or deductions being applied to the current pay.


The tax payable by the employee.

Override Tax Calc

Select to override the automatically calculated value in the Tax field.

Nett Pay

The pay the employee will receive.

Note: You cannot process EFT payments if the nett pay is zero. Nett pay is defined using the Nett Pay field of the Summary tab of Current Pay Maintenance. For information about processing EFT payments as part of the payroll finalisation process, see Processing EFT payments.


The tax paid for any HECS-HELP debt accrued by the employee.

Employer Super

The employee's superannuation contribution paid by the employer.

Super Contribution Tax

The amount of super contribution tax calculated for this pay.

Back Pay Tax

Any tax owed on back pay.

Back Pay HELP Tax

The tax paid from back pay for any HECS-HELP debt accrued by the employee.

Payment Details area fields



Normal Pay Method

Indicates whether the employee is paid on an hourly or salaried basis.

Override Pay Method

Override the usual method of payment for this pay only.

Cheque Number and Cheque Date

If the pay method is cheque, type in the cheque number and date.

Pay Group

The pay group the employee belongs to.

Payment Frequency

How often the employee is paid.


Any additional comments.




Change the frequency of the employee's pay period using the Payment Frequency window.

Show the methods of pay for this employee. This window will be blank if an employee has been terminated.

Recalculate tax. You may need to do this if the tax does not change after making an adjustment to the pay.

Change payroll summary information. See Changing payroll summary information.

Import any unprocessed timesheets already approved for payment.