Fixing income stream type errors

Synergetic displays the Income Stream Type Errors window when Payroll Maintenance is launched if there are any payroll employees with income stream errors for existing pays. 

Note: You can also display the Income Stream Errors window by clicking on the Pays tab of Payroll Maintenance. See Payroll Maintenance - Pays tab.

To fix an income stream type error:

  1. Select a Country, if necessary.

    Note: You must select a country for the following income stream types:

    - Foreign Employment (FEI)
    - Inbound Assignees to Australia (IAA)
    - Working Holiday Maker (WHM).

  2. Select the Apply Fix field.
  3. Click .
    The Confirm window is displayed.
  4. Click .
  5. Either:

    - Income stream error is resolved. Fixing income stream errors is complete.
    - Income stream error is not resolved because there are multiple income streams within the same pay. Record the posting number in the error message then proceed to the next step.

  6. Select the pay posting in the grid area of the Pays tab of Payroll Maintenance for the payroll employee. See Payroll Maintenance - Pays tab.
  7. Click .
    The Pay Details window is displayed.
  8. Select a pay code line that has incorrect income stream type.
  9. Click .
    The pay code is launched in the General tab of Pay Code Maintenance. See Pay Code Maintenance - General tab.
  10. Select the correct income stream type using the Income Stream Type field.
    The Confirm window is displayed.
  11. Click .
  12. Click .
  13. Repeat steps 8 through 12 to fix additional pay code lines.
  14. Repeat steps 6 through 13 to fix additional pay postings.