Maintaining the staff mark book

Maintaining the staff mark book

Use the Staff Mark Book window to manage your mark book for academic reporting. You can modify or delete existing mark book entries and add new ones.

You can also use Student Results Maintenance to maintain the staff mark book. See Maintaining student results in the Assessments and reports manual.

 Opening the Staff Mark Book window

To open the Staff Mark Book window:

  1. Select Module > Human Resources > Staff Maintenance from the main menu.
  2. Search for the staff member. See Searching for staff members.
    The Personal tab of the Staff Maintenance window is displayed.
  3. Click the Classes tab. See Staff Maintenance - Classes tab.
    The Classes tab of the Staff Maintenance window is displayed.
  4. Select the class to maintain the mark book for.
  5. Click .
    The Staff Mark Book window is displayed.

Staff Mark Book window key fields and buttons




Sequence number used to order the mark book.


Descriptive heading for the mark book.

Abbrev Heading 1 and Abbrev Heading 2

Abbreviation based on the heading. These appear as column headings in the results maintenance area.

The first word from the Heading field is placed in the Abbrev Heading 1 field, and the second word in the Abbrev Heading 2

Result Type

Type of result that applies to the mark book. For example, a Mark (0-100) or a Grade (A, B, C, D).

Override Mask

Range of valid result values. Staff can only enter values within the range specified.

For example, an Override Mask of 0-100 restricts your values to between 0 and 100. You can have a numeric or alphanumeric result.

In most cases, it is a good idea to have a comma at the front of your mask. This allows you to select a blank value for the result. If you do not have the leading comma, you will have to enter a value for every student. Use a comma to separate each result value.

You only have to select a Result Type when entering an override result mask if the results are numeric. In this case, select a numeric Result Type, for example MARK, as well as entering an Override Mask.

Numeric masks
. For example:

  • ",0-10"
  • ",0-100"
  • ",80-0"

If the higher number is first then the numbers are in descending order, rather than ascending order.

You can also:

  • Specify a mask as 100-0(0.5). This generates a value list of 100, 99.5, 99, 98.5 ... 0. If you leave off the (0.5) suffix then the default increment is 1.
  • Force a fixed decimal place by specifying a mask such as 100.0-0(0.5). This generates a value list of 100.0, 99.5, 99.0, 98.5, 98.0 ... 0.0.
  • Specify a larger increment by specifying a mask such as 100-0(2). This generates a value list of 100, 98, 96 ... 0.

Make sure that it goes down to 0 (zero) so that even students who receive a 0 will get a grade.

Alphanumeric masks
. If you want to define values like Beginning,Consolidating,Established then you set up these values as follows:

  • ",B|Beginning, C|Consolidating, E|Established"
  • ",G|Good, VG|Very Good, E|Excellent"
  • ",A+, A, B, B+, C, C+, UG"

The pipe (vertical bar) within each type indicates that the characters before it is the value stored in the database. Those characters (for example, B) and the description after them (Beginning) are displayed when you enter results. You do not need to use the pipe but it is recommended so that you are only storing B and not Beginning in the database for each result.

Also see
How the combined result is displayed in the Assessments and reports manual.

Result Group

Type of report the results are included in or assessment area grouping. For example, the End of Semester, Behaviour or Work Habits report.

Mark Out Of

Highest possible score for the assessment. For example 100.

Weighting Factor

Value of the assessment in the student's final mark. For example an assignment marked out of 100 might be worth 25% of the student's overall mark.

Transfer to Assessment Area Seq

Sequence number of the Assessment Area to transfer results to, if required.


Displays the results calculation formula. See Using the Markbook Area Formula window.

Publish on Portal

Select to publish the selected result on the Community Portal.




Add a new mark book entry, at the end of the list of results.

Insert a new mark book entry, just before the highlighted result.

Delete the highlighted mark book entry.

Move the highlighted mark book assessment area above the one immediately above it.

Move the highlighted mark book assessment area below the one immediately below it.

Import mark books from an assessment code or from another class. See Importing the staff mark book.

Launch the Markbook Area Formula window to edit the formula used to calculate the result.

See New method of calculating and summarising assessment areas.

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