Staff Maintenance - International tab

Use the International tab to:

  • record citizenship, passport and visa details
  • set which citizenship or visa subclass is active at present.

The International tab consists of three areas:

  • Citizenship (or passport) area
  • Visa Subclasses area
  • Visa Conditions area.

The following rules apply:

  • Each citizenship (or passport) record can have one or more visa subclasses.
  • Only one citizenship record is active at a time. In the example, the citizenship of Nepal is active.
  • Each visa subclass can have one or more conditions.
  • Only one visa subclass record is active at a time. In the example, the Primary and Secondary School visa subclass is active.
  • Visa conditions under an active visa subclass are all active.


 Opening the International tab

To open the International tab:

  1. Select Module > Human Resources > Staff Maintenance from the main menu.
    Tip: You can also access the staff functions by clicking .
  2. Search for the staff member. See Searching for staff members.
    The Personal tab of the Staff Maintenance window is displayed.
  3. Click the International tab.
    The International tab of the Staff Maintenance window is displayed.

Staff Maintenance - International tab key fields and buttons

Citizenship area fields and buttons

Grid area fields

The values of the selected record correspond to the fields below.




Citizenship Country

Country of citizenship that applies to the passport. Select the required value from the drop-down list.


Whether the citizenship record is the primary citizenship for your organisation's purposes. The field is automatically selected if the record is the first citizenship record. Only one citizenship record can be the primary record. Click the button to move a record to the first position and make it the Primary citizenship.

Name on Passport

Name as it appears on the passport.

Passport Number

Number of the passport.

Issued Date

Date the passport was issued.

Expiry Date

Date the passport expires.

You can maintain subscriptions for passport-related Action Centre messages using the Settings Maintenance window. See Maintaining Action Centre messages.


Citizenship status that applies to the person. Select the value from the drop-down list.

The person's citizenship status is used only for CEOVIC export.




Move the current record up one place in the list. If the record is moved to the top of the list, the Active flag is automatically set.

Move the current record down one place in the list. If the record is moved from the top of the list, the Active flag is automatically cleared.

Add a new row and edit the values. See the Fields section above.

Delete the selected row.
The following dialog is displayed.
Click to delete the citizenship record, along with its visa subclasses and conditions.

: Before you delete a citizenship, make sure that the Visa Subclasses and Visa Conditions for that citizenship have been deleted.

Visa Subclasses area fields and buttons

Grid area fields

The values of the selected record correspond to the fields below.




Visa Class

Class of visa provided by the Government department. Select the required value from the drop-down list.

Subclass Code

Code and description of visa subclass that applies. Select the required value from the drop-down list.

Visa Number

Number assigned.

Arrival Date

Date the community member arrived in the country.

Visa Application Date

Date the application was provided to the Government department.

Issued Date

Date the visa was issued.

Expiry Date

Date the visa expires.

You can maintain subscriptions for passport-related Action Centre messages using the Settings Maintenance window. See Maintaining Action Centre messages.


Whether the visa is active for your organisation's purposes. The field is automatically selected if the record is the first visa subclass record. Only one visa subclass record can be active at a time. Click the button to move a record to the first position and make it active.

Documents Sighted

Select this field to confirm that visa documents have been sighted.

Note: This field is used to report document sightings to the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA). This information is included in the Register New Student File, which can be exported for submission to the QCAA using the QCAA tab of the Import/Export Student Data window. See Import_Export Student Data - QCAA tab.




Move the current record up one place in the list. If the record is moved to the top of the list, the Active flag is automatically set.

Move the current record down one place in the list. If the record is moved from the top of the list, the Active flag is automatically cleared.

Add a new row and edit the values. See the Fields section above.

Delete the selected row.
The following dialog is displayed.

Click to delete the visa subclass record, along with its conditions.

Visa Conditions area fields and buttons

Grid area fields

The values of the selected record correspond to the fields below.




Issued Date

Date the visa condition was imposed.


Description of the visa condition. This defaults to the standard description that applies to the selected Code.




Add a new row and edit the values. See the Fields section above.

Delete the selected row.
The following dialog is displayed.

Click to delete the visa condition.