Staff Maintenance - School bar

The School bar allows you to manage details about the staff member that relate to your organisation. For example, their department, category, start date and so on.

 Opening the School bar
  1. Select Human Resources > Staff Maintenance from the SynWeb main menu.
    The Staff Search Criteria window is displayed.
  2. Search for the staff member. See Searching for staff members.
  3. Click the School bar.

     You can click anywhere on a navigation bar other than the caption to open it.

    The School bar of the Staff Maintenance window is displayed.

Staff Maintenance - School bar key fields

School area fields



School Staff Code

Staff code is the unique identifier for a staff member.
It is recommended that your organisation adopts a standard for these. For example, the staff code for James Matthew Paydon could be JMP or JP.


Campus where the staff member usually works.

Normal Year Level

Usual year level that the staff member teaches.
Leave blank for non-teaching staff.

The Campus and Normal Year Level fields are used to create the default timetable views, that determine the timeslots displayed.


Form group that the staff member is associated with.


House group that the staff member is associated with.


Department that the staff member is associated with.


Category of staff member.
For example, TEACH for teacher.
Note: The staff category controls whether staff are available for certain tasks such as taking classes. Staff categories are maintained in the luStaffCategory lookup table. See luStaffCategory lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.

Voice Mail

Voice mail number for the staff member.

Phone Extension

Phone extension for the staff member.


Building that the staff member's office is in.


Room code for the staff member's office.

Status area fields



Active Staff Member

Indicates if the person is a current member of staff.

Registration Number

Staff member's registration number for the Registration Type.

Registration Type

Type of registration. For example, RSB for the Registered School Board.

Registration Expiry Date

Expiry date of the registration.

Financial Expiry Date

Financial expiry date for the staff member.

This field can be used for internal purposes by your organisation. It does not affect other areas of Synergetic.

Start Date

Date when the staff member started working at your organisation.

Leaving Date

Date when the staff member finished working at your organisation.

First Teaching Year

Year that the staff member first began teaching.

Common buttons



Create a new staff member. See Creating staff members.

Delete the selected staff member. See Deleting staff members or making them inactive.

Display the Staff Maintenance Search Criteria window.

You can update the search criteria and search for new staff. See Searching for staff members.

Customise how the bars are displayed. See Customising navigation bars in the Introduction manual.

Create a new task relating to the current staff member. See Managing tasks in the Introduction manual.

Click to refresh the screen for the selected staff member.