Staff Maintenance - Timetable bar

You can view the staff member's timetable on the Timetable bar:

  • The teacher's regular classes containing students are displayed in a standard font.
  • Non-teaching times, such as recess or lunch, are displayed in grey.

See the Legend section below.

Tip: The equivalent Synergetic Timetable bar also includes events for the day.

 Opening the Timetable bar
  1. Select Human Resources > Staff Maintenance from the SynWeb main menu.
    The Staff Search Criteria window is displayed.
  2. Search for the staff member. See Searching for staff members.
  3. Click the Timetable bar.

     You can click anywhere on a navigation bar other than the caption to open it.

    The Timetable bar of the Staff Maintenance window is displayed.

Staff Maintenance - Timetable bar key fields and buttons



File Type

Classes can be either academic or co-curricular. Change the file type selection to view classes in other areas.

Timetable Date

Timetable date

Note: The default date is today's date. Adjust the date if necessary.

Grid area fields




Start time of the class.


Either the:

  • teaching period
  • non-teaching time, such as recess or lunch.

Note: Cancelled classes are followed by "Cancelled". For example, Period 1 - Cancelled.


Room where the class is being held.


Class code.

Select the launch link to display the class. See:


Description of either the:

  • class
  • non-teaching time, such as recess or lunch.

Staff Code

Staff code of the selected staff member, for classes being taken.




Create a pastoral care item relating to a student in this class.


The Legend area contains an explanation for the formatting applied to each of the classes, or other time periods, displayed in the grid area. Only the relevant legend entries are displayed, depending on the status of the classes.

Colour and font


Black, normal font

Class containing students, taught by the regular staff member in the usual room.

In the following example, Mr Dawson is taking his usual chemistry class S/CH123.

Red, normal font

Class where a change has been made, either the:

  • selected teacher is taking a class that is normally taken by another person
  • class is being held in a different room to the usual room.

In the following example, Mr Dawson is taking the Maths Methods class S/M4124. This is either not his usual class or the room has been changed.

Black, italicised font

Class normally taken by the selected teacher has been substituted to another teacher.

In the following example, the accounting class S/AC341 is being taken by the substitute teacher, Ms Glenda Smith (GSM). Mr Dawson usually takes this class.

Black or red, bold font

Class attendance has been marked.

In the following example, attendance for the English class J/00EN1 has been marked and submitted.

Green, normal font

Class which has no students but is taken by a staff member.

Grey, normal font


  • recess or lunch
  • classes which have been flagged as not requiring Attendance entry.

Yellow background

Class which extends across more than one period.

Common buttons



Create a new staff member. See Creating staff members.

Delete the selected staff member. See Deleting staff members or making them inactive.

Display the Staff Maintenance Search Criteria window.

You can update the search criteria and search for new staff. See Searching for staff members.

Customise how the bars are displayed. See Customising navigation bars in the Introduction manual.

Create a new task relating to the current staff member. See Managing tasks in the Introduction manual.

Click to refresh the screen for the selected staff member.