Staff Maintenance - Relations bar

The Relations bar displays any relatives of the staff member in your organisation's community. Use the Relations bar to:

  • list family and guardianship relationships
  • list the constituencies of the relations
  • list the contact details of the relations
  • maintain relationships
  • manage communications with relations.

Note: Relationships represent how one member of the community relates to another. Constituencies define how community members relate to your organisation. For example, the community member can be a student, staff member or debtor.

 Opening the Relations bar
  1. Select Human Resources > Staff Maintenance from the SynWeb main menu.
    The Staff Search Criteria window is displayed.
  2. Search for the staff member. See Searching for staff members.
  3. Click the Relations bar.

     You can click anywhere on a navigation bar other than the caption to open it.

    The Relations bar of the Staff Maintenance window is displayed.

Staff Maintenance - Relations bar key fields and buttons




Synergetic ID of the relation.


Relation, from the perspective of the staff member.

Note: You can define the relationship between male, female, and other gendered community members using the RevRelationshipMale, RevRelationshipFemale, and RevRelationshipOther fields of the luRelationship lookup table. See luRelationship lookup table in the Synergetic System Maintenance manual.


Constituencies that the relation belongs to.


Location to send an SMS to. If blank, no SMS is sent.

Use Email

Location to send an email to. If blank, no email is sent.

Portal Approval

Whether the selected relation has given approval for the community member to:

  • fill out their excursion permission forms on the Community Portal
  • access and update the community member's My Details information on the Community Portal.

Key points regarding portal approval

  • Staff members are always approvers for themselves
  • Staff members are always approvers for their spouses (if they have one)
  • When the Portal Approval field is blank the approvers are:

    - Contacts with the Parent flag selected
    - Contacts whose ID is used as the contact.




Launch the Create New Relation window to add a new relationship record. See Adding new relationships.

Edit the selected record.

Delete the selected record.

Common buttons



Create a new staff member. See Creating staff members.

Delete the selected staff member. See Deleting staff members or making them inactive.

Display the Staff Maintenance Search Criteria window.

You can update the search criteria and search for new staff. See Searching for staff members.

Customise how the bars are displayed. See Customising navigation bars in the Introduction manual.

Create a new task relating to the current staff member. See Managing tasks in the Introduction manual.

Click to refresh the screen for the selected staff member.