Approving timesheets

Approving timesheets

Timesheets must be approved before they can be imported into a pay. Use the Approve Timesheets window to:

  • approve timesheets
  • deny timesheets
  • revert timesheet approvals or denials
  • request more information about timesheet entries
  • edit timesheet entries
  • view all timesheet entries made by a staff member between a specified date range.

Note: You must have the necessary security permissions enabled to approve timesheets. See Configuring the Staff Kiosk in the System maintenance manual. 


 Opening the Approve Timesheets window

To open the Approve Timesheets window:

  1. Select Human Resources > Timesheets - Approve from the SynWeb main menu.
    The Approve Timesheets window is displayed.

Approve Timesheets window key fields and buttons

Selection area fields



Date From / To

Display timesheets within the selected date range.

Show Approved

Display approved timesheets.

Show Denied

Display denied timesheets.

Show More Information Needed

Display timesheets requiring more information.

Real-time calculation

Update the Selected and Total fields as you work. If this field is cleared, the Total and Selected fields are only updated when you click .


Total number of hours in selected timesheets.


Total number of hours in displayed timesheets.

Grid area fields




Select a timesheet entry to:

  • approve
  • reject
  • revert
  • request more information on.


Date of the timesheet entry.


Staff member who submitted the timesheet entry.

Start time

Start time of the timesheet entry.

End time

End time of the timesheet entry.
Note: This field is automatically populated if the value can be calculated from data already entered.


Number of hours worked. For example, if the staff member worked from 9am until 2:45pm, the Hours would be 5.
Note: This field is automatically populated if the value can be calculated from data already entered.


Number of minutes worked in addition to the Hours. For example, if the staff member worked from 9am until 2:45pm, the Minutes would be 45.
Note: This field is automatically populated if the value can be calculated from data already entered.

Hours Total

Total hours worked, accounting for breaks.


Pay code of the timesheet entry.


Pay rate of the timesheet entry.

Pay Amount

Pay amount of the timesheet entry.

Class Code

Class the timesheet entry relates to, if scheduled.

Class Type

Type of class the timesheet relates to, if class is given.


Any comment on the timesheet entry.


Status of the timesheet entry:


Awaiting approval.






The number of students attending the class out of the number allocated, if applicable. For example, if twelve students are allocated to the class and ten of them attend, the Attendance field displays 10/12.

Posting No

Posting number of the timesheet entry.


Identifier for the timesheet entry in the database.

Note: Only buttons appropriate for the displayed timesheet entries are displayed.



Refresh the grid of timesheets if you:

  • have changed any of the selection fields
  • want to recalculate the Selected and Total fields if the Real-time calculation field is cleared.

Approve the selected timesheets.

Revert the approval status of the selected timesheets. That is, both Denied and Approved timesheets revert to Submitted status.

Reject approval for the selected timesheets.

Request more information for the selected timesheets. Timesheets with requests for more information appear in with a purple icon to the staff member who submitted them.

Edit the details of the selected timesheets.

Reinstate rejected timesheets.

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