Column | Heading | Description |
A | Contact School Number | School Number issued to your organisation by the SACE Board. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field value is defined using the School Code field on the SACE tab of the Import/Export Student Data window.
- This field has a maximum field length of 3.
B | Registration Number | SACE Board Identifier assigned to the student. |
Configuration |
Optional |
C | Student Code | Synergetic ID of the student. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field value is defined when the student is added to the Synergetic community.
- Synergetic IDs are displayed in the top-right corner of Current Student Maintenance.
- This field has a maximum field length of 20.
D | Title | Title of the student. For example, Mr. |
Configuration |
Optional |
- This field value is defined using the Title field on the Name tab of Community Maintenance. See Community Maintenance - Name tab.
- This field has a maximum field length of 4.
E | Given Names | Given Names of the student. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
F | Family Name | Surname of the student. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
G | Gender | Gender of the student. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
H | Date of Birth | Date of birth of the student. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
I | Phone Country Code | Country code of the phone number recorded for Parent 1. |
Configuration |
Optional |
- This field has a default value of 061
- This field has a maximum field length of 3.
J | Phone Area Code | Area code of the phone number recorded for Parent 1. |
Configuration |
Optional |
- This field has a default value of 08.
- This field has a maximum field length of 4.
K | Local Phone Number | Phone number recorded for Parent 1. |
Configuration |
Optional |
- This field value is defined using the home phone number recorded for Parent 1 in the Home Phone field on the Phone tab of Community Maintenance. See Community Maintenance - Phone tab.
- This field has a maximum field length of 10.
Tip: You can launch to the Parent 1 community record by clicking on the Parent 1 sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab - Parent 1 sub-tab. |
L | Street Address Line 1 | Line 1 of the student's postal address. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
M | Street Address Line 2 | Line 2 of the student's postal address. |
Configuration |
Optional |
N | Street Address Line 3 | Line 3 of the student's postal address. |
Configuration |
Optional |
O | Suburb | Suburb of the student's postal address. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
P | State | State of the student's postal address. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
Q | Post Code | Postcode of the student's postal address. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
R | Home Group | Home group of the student. |
Configuration |
Optional |
- This field value is defined using the HomeGroupDefinition field of the luYearLevel lookup table. See luYearLevel lookup table.
- This field has a maximum field length of 8.
S | Year Level | Year level of the student. |
Configuration |
Optional |
T | Street Address Line 4 | Leave this field blank. |
U | TAFE ID | Vocational Education Code assigned to the student by the government. |
Configuration |
Optional |
- This field is defined using the Vocational Education Code field on the Codes tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Codes tab.
- This field has a maximum field length of 10.
V | ED ID | Leave this field blank. |
W | Ab/Tr Ind | Whether the student is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. |
Configuration |
Optional |
- This field value is defined using the Indigenous Student and Torres Strait Islander fields on the Flags tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Flags tab.
- This field has a value of Y when either of these fields is selected. Otherwise, the field has a value of N.
- This field has a maximum field length of 1.
X | Email Address | Email address of the student. |
Configuration |
Optional |