Column | Heading | Description |
A | Course Type | Type of course to be completed by the student. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
- Can be ‘VCE/VCAL’ or ‘PDO’ (personal details only)
- This field has a maximum field length of 3 characters.
B | DET School Code | Not used. |
C | VCAA School Code | School code assigned to your organisation. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field is defined using School Code field on the VASS tab of the Import/Export Student Data window. See Import_Export Student Data - VASS tab.
- This field has a maximum field length of 5 characters.
D | VCAA Student Number | Not used. |
E | External Student Identifier | Synergetic ID of the student. |
Configuration |
Optional |
- This field is defined when the student is created in Synergetic. See Creating new students.
- Synergetic IDs are displayed in the top-right corner of Current Student Maintenance.
.png?version=1&modificationDate=1591712488157&cacheVersion=1&api=v2&width=563&height=65) - This field is alphanumeric and has a maximum field length of 12 characters.
F | Family Name | Surname of the student. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field is defined using the Surname field on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
- This field only supports letters, hyphens, apostrophes, and single spaces.
- This field has a maximum field length of 25 characters.
G | First Name | Given name of the student. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field is defined using the first text box of the Given field on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
- This field only supports letters, hyphens, apostrophes, and single spaces.
- This field has a maximum field length of 15 characters.
H | Second Name | Middle name of the student. |
Configuration |
Optional |
- This field is defined using the second text box of the Given field on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab
- This field only supports letters, hyphens, apostrophes, and single spaces.
- This field has a maximum field length of 15 characters.
I | Student Email Address | Student Email Address VASS recommended that the student email address is a personal address, and the student will have access to it beyond their final year of schooling. |
Configuration |
Optional |
- This field value is defined using the Email field on the Phone tab of Community Maintenance. See Community Maintenance - Phone tab.
If personal email is not provided, or both personal and occupation email are not provided, then field is left blank. - This field has a maximum field length of 100 characters.
J | Address Line 1 | Line 1 of the student's postal address. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
K | Address Line 2 | Line 2 of the student's postal address. Note: Address Line 2 cannot be the same as Address Line 1. |
Configuration |
Optional |
L | Suburb/Location | Suburb of the student. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field is defined using the Suburb field on the Postal Address tab of Community Maintenance. See Community Maintenance - Postal Address tab.
- This field only accepts alphabetic characters.
- This field has a maximum field length of 30 characters.
M | State/Country | State of the student. Important: This field is Mandatory when the Postcode is ****. |
Configuration |
Optional |
N | Postcode | Postcode of the student. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field value is defined using the Postcode field on the Postal Address tab of Community Maintenance. See Community Maintenance - Postal Address tab.
- This field has a value of **** for overseas addresses.
- This field has a maximum field length of 4 characters.
O | Telephone Number | Home phone number of the student. |
Configuration |
Optional |
- This field is defined using the Phone AH field on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
- This field only supports numbers, hyphens, and spaces.
- This field has a maximum field length of 15 characters.
P | Date of Birth | Date of birth of the student. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field is defined using the Date of Birth field on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
- This field only supports numbers and forward slashes.
- This field has a maximum field length of 10 characters.
Q | Gender | Gender of the student. Important: You must map Synergetic gender values to VASS gender values using the VCAAVASSVS external system. See Using the Interface Settings window. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field is defined using the Gender field on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
- This field must have a value of either:
- M - Male
- F - Female
- X - Other.
- This field has a maximum field length of 1 character.
R | Year Level | Year level of the student. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
S | Home Group | Form of the student. |
Configuration |
Optional |
- The field used to populate this value is determined using the Synergetic Field for Student VASS Form field on the VASS tab of the Import/Export Student Data window.
- You can use the Synergetic Field for Student VASS Form field to define the form value using:
- This field must be alphanumeric.
- This field has a maximum field length of 8 characters.
T | Previous Family Name | Previous surname of the student. |
Configuration |
Optional |
- This field is defined using the Prev Surname field on the Other tab of Community Maintenance. See Community Maintenance - Other tab.
- This field only supports letters, hyphens, apostrophes, and single spaces.
- This field has a maximum field length of 25 characters.
U | Previous First Name | Previous first given name of the student. |
Configuration |
Optional |
- This field only supports letters, hyphens, apostrophes, and single spaces.
- This field has a maximum field length of 15 characters.
V | Previous Second Name | Previous second given name of the student. |
Configuration |
Optional |
- This field only supports letters, hyphens, apostrophes, and single spaces.
- This field has a maximum field length of 15 characters.
W | General Declaration | Declaration that the submitted information is correct. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field has a maximum field length of 1 character.
X | Victorian Student Number
| Victorian Student Number (VSN) assigned to the student. |
Configuration |
Optional |
- This field is defined using the Government Student Number field on the Codes tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Codes tab.
- This field has a maximum field length of 9 characters.
Y | Student email | Email address of the student. |
Configuration |
Optional |