2024-11 - Visa List Update - 2025

2024-11 - Visa List Update - 2025

Education Horizons have recently completed updates for Visa Class and Subclass to the latest listings.

These changes have been compiled into a hotfix package, to allow you to obtain the changes without a full upgrade.

Note:  ICON schools are being updated centrally and do not need this patch.
           Non-ICON Victorian Catholic schools see:   
2024-11 - MACS Notes and Codes 2025

Overview of changes included in this hotfix package

This fix updates the Synergetic Visa Class and Subclass reference tables to be current as at the time the list was compiled.

Obtaining and applying the hotfix

We have created a hotfix patch to provide you with the relevant updates

1) Download the zip file to your system from the link below:


Note:  The changes for all schools and included in this patch, wven though it is named for MACS Notes and Codes.

2) Open the zip file and extract the included exe file to your SQL server (or to a location that is able to communicate with the SQL Server)

3) Run the hotfix exe program - this will run a database patcher wizard which will take you through the steps to apply the database logic changes for this report.

4) Once the patcher has completed successfully the reference data in your system will be updated.

5) You will need to update any existing Lookup table rows manually. New visa class and subclass rows will be able to be loaded into your Lookup tables, for each Lookup table you wish to add any new rows to, hit the LOAD button in lookup table maintenance and select the AUSGOV code.

Requesting Assistance

As always, if you have any further questions or concerns, our Support team is available to assist:

Please make sure to mention that your query is in relation to ‘2025 Visa update’ to help our support team action your request as efficiently as possible.