2021-06 - STATS 2021 - AUS

2021-06 - STATS 2021 - AUS

Table of Contents

Education Horizons Group have recently completed updates for a set of changes relating to 2021 Student Attendance Data Collection (STATS) data submission, for changes required by DESE | Schools Hub.

These changes have been compiled into a hotfix package, to allow you to obtain the changes necessary for your STATS submission.

Overview of changes included in this hotfix package

  • The changes required for 2021 were:

    • to remove the current ‘Column C’ from the output (moving all later columns one to the left) 

    • handle the change in the definition of National Standard for Student Attendance Data Reporting:

      a.Any student day where the absence recorded is less than or equal to 2 hours it is to be reported as a whole day attendance.
      b.Any student day where the absence recorded is greater than 2 hours it is to be reported as a part day attended. Part-day absences are to be reported as 0.5.

The extract from the DESE document is:

Part-day absences

Part-day absences are where a student arrives late for school or leaves school before the end of the school day. The duration and treatment of part-day absences may vary between jurisdictions and schools. Where a student is absent for part of the day from school, other than for official school activity (for example, an excursion), then the student’s attendance for that day should not equal a whole day of attendance. For STATS reporting, the student has attended for part of the day and only that portion of attendance must be reflected in the data.

ACARA have advised that any student day where the absence recorded is less than or equal to 2 hours it is to be reported as a whole day attended. Any student day where the absence recorded is greater than 2 hours it is to be reported as a part day attended.
Part-day absences are to be reported as 0.5.

Further discussion can be found via the following Discourse link:  2021 Student Attendance Data Collection (STATS) 

DESE information including the Cohort Data Collection Tool is available at:

Obtaining and applying the hotfix

We have created a hotfix patch for both v69 and v70 releases of Synergetic, to provide you with the relevant updates to support your STATS 2021 data export.

1) Download the appropriate zip file from one of the links below to your system:

2) Open the zip file and extract the included exe file to your SQL server (or to a location that is able to communicate with the SQL Server)

3) Run the hotfix exe program - this will run a database patcher wizard which will take you through the steps to apply the database logic changes for this report.

4) Once the patcher has completed successfully, your system should be updated and able to export STATS data for the 2021 submission.

CECV Update - 30 June 2021

Page updated on 30 June 2021 with HotFixes that include CECV STATS changes for 2021.

Note :

  • The V69 and V70 Hotfixes above now both also include the CECV changes.
  • ICON your systems will be updated centrally and you do not need to apply the patch

Requesting Assistance

As always, if you have any further questions or concerns, our Support team is available to assist:

Please make sure to mention that your query is in relation to ‘STATS 2021 hotfix’ to help our support team action your request as efficiently as possible.

New 2021 format: