2023-11 - NAB Payments Hotfix

2023-11 - NAB Payments Hotfix


In Synergetic Version 71.7, there is a defect in the CoreAPI component (version which can lead to online payments via NAB Transact being processed successfully by NAB, and appearing on the Online Receipts Report, but not updating Synergetic’s Finance module or generating payment receipts for the debtor. Currently this has only been observed at one site, but there is a risk that this can occur at any site running 71.7 and offering NAB Transact online payments through the Community Portal. We recommend that all sites using NAB payments, or intending to start using NAB payments prior to their next upgrade, apply this hotfix.


A critical hotfix has been created to patch the defect in CoreAPI. There is no downtime needed to apply this fix. This fix will also be included in version 71.8 which will be released imminently.

The hotfix can be applied as follows:

  1. Copy the patch file from to your web server, unzip the file and execute the extracted file. This will install the updated CoreAPI package to fix the issue.

  2. To check whether you have any payment transactions with missing receipts, copy and run this script on your database. If it does not return any results, you do not need to take any further action.

  3. If the script did return results, it means that you have payment transactions that did not generate a receipt. To rectify this you will need to do the following:

    1. Run this update script on your database . This will prepare the transactions with missing receipts for processing by the Synergetic Receipts Online Processor 

    2. In SynMain, go to System > Configuration File Maintenance, find the config key CommunityPortal | Payment | ScheduledJob | OnlyProcessUpToDaysAgo. Take note of its current value. Set the value to cover the number of days between the first missing receipt and the current date, and Save.

    3. The Synergetic Receipts Online Processor agent job should now pick up and process the payments within 2 minutes.

    4. Now run the script from step 2 and you should not have any results returned. If you still have results returned then try setting the config key OnlyProcessUpToDaysAgo to a higher value and run the update script again.

    5. Set the config key in step 3b back to its original value. The default is 5 days.

If you require any assistance with Step 3, or have any further questions regarding this issue, please contact Support and reference PRB-00003609.


Successful application of the hotfix can be verified by checking the file details of Synergetic.API.WebAPI.dll in your CoreAPI’s bin folder. The details should be as follows: