2022-06 - June to August - STP 2 Fixes

Last update 29 August 08:00 AEST

  • Patcher updated on 29 August 2022 with 08 August 2022 Version
  • Page now also includes a Crystal Report fix to download and apply
  • Page now also includes a separate fix for Event Update  

As STP 2 has rolled out some issues have been raised and fixed.

A patcher containing these fixes is now available.

We are continuing to update this patch as new issues are found so please check back here for new updates periodically.  Also watch Discourse as we are advising of new updates there.

Please note that as at 25 August 2022 Version 70.18 with the below fixes incorporated is available.

If you are successfully running STP 2 there is no urgency to upgrade outside of your normal upgrade schedule, if however, you want to book an upgrade to Version 70.18 please fill out the requested form here.  

Overview of changes included

This patcher repairs these issues:

  • When exporting historical data for paid leave records use the default paid leave type if a paid leave type has not been provided
  • Prevent ability to circumvent the missing paid leave type validation
  • For staff with an invalid pay group, display the Invalid Tax Scale validation
  • When creating a special pay without selecting any employees, no employees should be added.
  • Salary Sacrifice Superannuation should migrate with reporting category "Salary Sacrifice - Super and RESC"
  • Payer Total PAYGW Amount' should include 'Payee Total ETP PAYGW Amount (June 29 update)
  • An employee with RFB but no other reportable income is not being picked up in the 'Bulk Set Final Event Indicator' process
  • Speed improvement when generating an STP update
  • Lump Sum Payment type A combined with Lump Sum Payment Type AR or AT causes validation error
  • Error in Update Event generation for previous year when the previous year is STP1 and the system is now configured as STP2.
  • Incorrect validation for Death Benefit tax scale fixed (Validation  - CMN.ATO.PAYEVNTEMP.000292)

Separate fix for Final Event Update - 'Query timeout expired' error

There is also a known issue with the Update Event generation freezing ("Query timeout expired" message):

If you are encountering this issue when attempting to generate the Update Event, please follow the additional steps below to install and use an updated version of the STP Maintenance program that allows the Update Event generation to proceed.

  • Download the zip file to your system from the link below:


  • Open the zip file and extract the included exe file and place this in the location the main Synergetic application is hosted on your network (the location of Synmain.exe as shown in Synergetic Help - About)  
  • Ensure you have completed setting the Final Event Indicator flag on all relevant Employees.  Note: Do not try to initiate the Update Event from the button on the Bulk Set Final Event screen as the override program is not triggered via this method.
  • Run Synergetic as normal, and select the STP Maintenance menu item 
  • Synergetic will then detect the presence of the override version of STP Maintenance and ask if you wish to run this - say yes to continue.  The override version of the program will then start and take you to the normal STP Maintenance program.
  • Use the 'Generate New Update Event' button on the bottom of this screen, to proceed with creating the Update Event and send through the Final Event details to the ATO

Please note that while the override program does resolve the timeout event, the process can still take some time to finish collecting the employee details necessary for the Update Event (may take several minutes or longer).  The database patch that is also on this page includes some speed optimisations and we strongly recommend that you apply this patch as well as using the override program, to help address this aspect.

Obtaining and applying the general fixes patch

  • Download the zip file to your system from the link below:
  • Open the zip file and extract the included exe file to your SQL server (or to a location that is able to communicate with the SQL Server)
  • Run the exe - this will run a database patcher wizard which will take you through the steps to apply the database logic changes for this report.
    • The patcher can be applied with Users remaining logged in and will only take seconds to run

Updated withOn
ETP PAYGW fix29 June 2022
RFB in Bulk Set Final Event Indicator fix30 June 2022
Optimisations to STP update generation01 July 2022
Lump Sum Payment type error04 July 2022
STP 1 Update Event from STP 212 July 2022
Incorrect validation for Death Benefit tax scale fix29 August 2022

Obtaining and applying the Crystal Report Fix

There is a fix to the Payroll STP 2 Submission Report, where Reportable Fringe Benefit (RFB) was missing from the report.

To fix, download the file below and save it into the Synergetic\Reports folder on your server.  This will overwrite the existing report.


Requesting Assistance

As always, if you have any further questions or concerns, our Support team is available to assist:

Please make sure to mention that your query is in relation to ‘STP 2 June Patcher’ to help our support team action your request as efficiently as possible.