2023-08 - Fixes to SA Persistent Non-Attendance Report

2023-08 - Fixes to SA Persistent Non-Attendance Report

Table of Contents

Help Portal Hotfix Guide

Install Database Patcher for Hotfix

Overview of changes included in this hotfix package

The SA Government requires the reporting of non-attendance under Section 75 of the Education and Children's Services Act 2019. The SA Department for Education support the collection of this data on a termly basis.

A solution for this was released in Dec 2022 as part of Synergetic v70.20.1, introducing the  Students > Student Data Import/Export > SA Gov tab with the capability of producing output for:

  • Persistent Non-Attendance Report

Issues were then raised with this solution by SA Schools, including the fact that the solution was not based on 0.5 and 1.0 day absences when calculating days absent.

These issues have been addressed and the solution will be included in releases from Synergetic Suite v71.05

The Patcher provided in this hotfix will update your system with these changes without having  to upgrade to v71.05.

Obtaining and applying the hotfix

We have created an SQL fix that makes the changes listed above. 

1) Download the fix from the link below :

2) Save to a location of your choosing, that you can access from your SQL Server

3) Open and run the patcher

  • Open the zip file and extract the included exe file to your SQL server (or to a location that is able to communicate with the SQL Server)
  • Run the exe - this will run a database patcher wizard which will take you through the steps to update the required reference data table.
  • The patcher can be applied with Users remaining logged in and will only take seconds to run

4) Once the patcher has completed successfully, your system will be updated with changes to the SA Gov - Persistent Non-Attendance Report.

Requesting Assistance

As always, if you have any further questions or concerns, our Support team is available to assist:

Please make sure to mention that your query is in relation to the ‘SA Gov - Persistent Non-Attendance Report' fix as appropriate, to help our support team action your request as efficiently as possible.