2023-09 - Application Portal Hotfix

2023-09 - Application Portal Hotfix


When attempting to Save for Later/Submit a Form Checkbox values not being saved in Application Portal

Issue #1:
When a parent checks a non-mappable activity checkbox and Submits the form, the value is saved but it is not shown in the HTML. The value can be successfully imported when Future Students

Issue #2: 

When a parent checks a non-mappable (activity) checkbox and Saves the form, the value doesn't get saved at all. 



A critical hotfix has been created through an update to a script file in the Form Builder, Application Portal.

The hotfix can be applied as follows:

  1. Determine the version of Synergetic that you are running. To do this, go to SynWeb > Help > About and take note of the SynWeb Version.

  2. If your version is 70.16 or earlier then you don't need this fix.

  3. If your version is between 70.17 and 71.5 then follow steps 4 and 5. Note that the fix will not be required in releases 71.6 and later as it will already be included in those releases.

  4. Copy the .zip file to your web server and extract the contents of the file FormBuilder.zip to the 'scripts' folder of your FormBuilder location (for example C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SynWeb\builder), replacing the existing file with this newly extracted file.

  5. Copy the .zip file to your web server and extract the contents of the file ApplicationPortal.zip to the 'scripts' folder of your Application Portal location (for example C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SynergeticCore\ApplicationPortal), replacing the existing file with this newly extracted file.

This patch does not require any downtime.


Successful application of the hotfix can be verified by checking that the file 'common.mod.js' located in 'ApplicationPortal/scripts/module' for your ApplicationPortal location has a modified date of 24/08/2023.

Successful application of the hotfix can be verified by checking that the file 'Toolbar.mod.js' located in 'FormBuilder/scripts/modules' for your FormBuilder location has a modified date of 24/08/2023.



For Formbuilder

For Application Portal