2024-03 - Parent/Staff merge does not sync to SIF Endpoint
This issue only impacts schools using SIF endpoints for integration.
When merging Parent/Staff, the Community and other related tables in Synergetic have been updated correctly. However, this does not sync to the related SIF BaseObjects. The “StudentContactPersonal” endpoint still displays detail of the merged community member who should no longer exist. This prevents integrations using the SIF APIs from synchronising correctly.
This fix has also been included in release 71.13 (DSY-24251). See also PRB-00003122,
Download the fix from the link below
Save to a location of your choosing, that you can access from your SQL Server
Open and run the patcher
Open the zip file and extract the included exe file to your SQL server (or to a location that can communicate with the SQL Server)
Run the exe - this will run a database patcher wizard which will take you through the steps to apply the fix to the database. The patcher can be applied with users remaining logged in to the system, and will only take seconds to run