Education Maintenance Allowance

CEO fieldDescription
SchoolCodeCEO school code assigned to your organisation.
Key configuration details
CampusNumberCampus of the student.
Key configuration details
StudentIDSynergetic ID of the student.
Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the Synergetic Community ID of the student.
StudentSurnameSurname of the student.
Key configuration details
StudentGiven1Given name of the student.
Key configuration details
StudentGiven2Middle names of the student.
Key configuration details

Gender of the student.

Note: You can define the list of genders used at your organisation using the luGender lookup table. See luGender lookup table.

Key configuration details
BirthDateDate of birth of the student.
Key configuration details
ParishCodeParish of the student.
Key configuration details

Note: You need to load CEO values into the luParish lookup table to correctly populate the Parish field. For information about loading lookup tables for external systems, see Loading lookup tables for external systems.

EntryDateDate the student entered your organisation.
Key configuration details
YearLevelYear level of the student.
Key configuration details
ClassInSchoolForm or tutor group of the student.
Key configuration details

Whether the student is part-time.

Key configuration details
FTEFTE of the student at your organisation.
Key configuration details
OtherSchoolCEOCodeSchool code identifying the other external school the student is attending.
Key configuration details

Note: You need to load CEO values into the luSchool lookup table to correctly populate the SchoolCode field. For information about loading lookup tables for external systems, see Loading lookup tables for external systems.

OtherSchoolFTEFTE of the student at the external organisation.
Key configuration details
BoarderFlagResidential status of the student.
Key configuration details

Note: You must ensure the option selected in the Boarder field value has a SynergyMeaning of BOARDER. For more information, see luBoarder lookup table.

IndigenousCodeWhether the student is an indigenous student.
Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the Indigenous Student and Torres Strait Islander fields on the Flags tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Flags tab.
  • This value has a value of 1 when the Indigenous Student field is selected.
  • This value has a value of 2 when the Torres Strait Islander field is selected.
  • This value has a value of 3 when both fields are selected.
  • This value has a value of 4 when neither fields are selected.
IntegrationFlagWhether the student has learning difficulties and has a staff member assigned to assist them with their integration at your organisation.
Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the Integration Student field on the Flags tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Flags tab.
  • This value is Y when the Integration Student field is selected. Otherwise, this value is N.
ESLFlagWhether the student's first language is not English.
Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the English 2nd Language field on the Flags tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Flags tab.
  • This value is Y when the English 2nd Language field is selected. Otherwise, this value is N.
NewArrivalFlagWhether the student is part of a new arrivals program.
Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the New Arrivals Program field on the Flags tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Flags tab.
  • This value is Y when the New Arrivals Program field is selected. Otherwise, this value is N.
LOTEBackgroundFlagWhether the student's home language is not English.
Key configuration details

Note: You must load CEO values into the luLanguage lookup table to correctly populate the Home Language field. For information about loading lookup tables for external systems, see Loading lookup tables for external systems.

FullFeeFlagWhether the student is paying full fees.
Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the Full Fee Paying field on the Debtor tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Debtor tab.
  • This value is Y when the Full Fee Paying field is selected. Otherwise, this value is N.
EMAFlagWhether the student receives an education maintenance allowance.
Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the Education Maintenance Allowance field on the Flags tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Flags tab.
  • This value is Y when the Education Maintenance Allowance field is selected. Otherwise, this value is N.
ReligionCodeReligion of the student.
Key configuration details

Note: You must load CEO values into the luReligion lookup table to correctly populate the Religion field. For information about loading lookup tables for external systems, see Loading lookup tables for external systems.

CountryOfBirthCodeCountry of birth of the student.
Key configuration details

Note: You must load CEO values into the luCountry lookup table to correctly populate the Country of Birth field. For information about loading lookup tables for external systems, see Loading lookup tables for external systems.

InitialSchoolingYearYear the student first attended your organisation.
Key configuration details
HomeLanguageCodeCode used for the home language of the student.
Key configuration details

Note: You must load CEO values into the luLanguage lookup table to correctly populate the Home Language field. For information about loading lookup tables for external systems, see Loading lookup tables for external systems.

PreviousSchoolCodeSchool code identifying the student's previous school.
Key configuration details

Note: You must load CEO values into the luSchool lookup table to correctly populate the SchoolCode field. For information about loading lookup tables for external systems, see Loading lookup tables for external systems.

PrepImmunisationStatusImmunisation status of the student.
Key configuration details

Note: You must load CEO values into the luImmunisationFormStatus lookup table to correctly populate the Form Status field. For information about loading lookup tables for external systems, see Loading lookup tables for external systems.

LeavingDestinationLeaving destination of the student.
Key configuration details

Note: You must load CEO values into the luLeavingDestination lookup table to correctly populate the Leaving Dest. field. For information about loading lookup tables for external systems, see Loading lookup tables for external systems.

LivingAtHomeFlagLiving arrangement details for the student.
Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the Lives With and Parent fields on the Contacts tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Contacts tab.
  • This value is Y when both the Lives With and Parent fields are selected for the student on the Contacts tab of Current Student Maintenance. Otherwise, this value is N.
DepartureDateDate the student left your organisation.
Key configuration details
SchoolLanguage1Code to
Languages studied by the student at your organisation.
Key configuration details

Note: You must load CEO values into the luLanguage lookup table to correctly populate the Language field. For information about loading lookup tables for external systems, see Loading lookup tables for external systems.

EthnicLanguage1Code to
Ethnic languages studied by the student at your organisation
Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the Language and Study Type fields on the Languages Studied sub-tab of the External tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - External tab.
  • The values of the Language field are defined using the luLanguage lookup table. See luLanguage lookup table.
  • The values of the Study Type field are defined using the luLanguageStudyType lookup table. See luLanguageStudyType lookup table.
  • The value is populated with the language in the Language field when the Study Type field is populated with a value that has a SynergyMeaning of ETHNIC.

Note: You must load CEO values into the luLanguage and luLanguageStudyType lookup tables to correctly populate the Language and Study Type fields. For information about loading lookup tables for external systems, see Loading lookup tables for external systems.

VSLLanguage1Code to
VSL languages studied by the student at your organisation.
Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the Language and Study Type fields on the Languages Studied sub-tab of the External tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - External tab.
  • The values of the Language field are defined using the luLanguage lookup table. See luLanguage lookup table.
  • The values of the Study Type field are defined using the luLanguageStudyType lookup table. See luLanguageStudyType lookup table.
  • The value is populated with the language in the Language field when the Study Type field is populated with a value that has a SynergyMeaning of VSL.

Note: You must load CEO values into the luLanguage and luLanguageStudyType lookup tables to correctly populate the Language and Study Type fields. For information about loading lookup tables for external systems, see Loading lookup tables for external systems.

DECLanguage1Code to
DEC languages studied by the student at your organisation.
Key configuration details
  • The value is populated with the language in the Language field when the Study Type field is populated with a value that has a SynergyMeaning of DEC.

Note: You must load CEO values into the luLanguage and luLanguageStudyType lookup tables to correctly populate the Language and Study Type fields. For information about loading lookup tables for external systems, see Loading lookup tables for external systems.

PALSLanguage1Code to
PALS languages studied by the student at your organisation.
Key configuration details
  • The value is populated with the language in the Language field when the Study Type field is populated with a value that has a SynergyMeaning of PALS.

Note: You must load CEO values into the luLanguage and luLanguageStudyType lookup tables to correctly populate the Language and Study Type fields. For information about loading lookup tables for external systems, see Loading lookup tables for external systems.

OTHERLanguage1Code to
Other languages studied by the student at your organisation.
Key configuration details
  • The value is populated with the language in the Language field when the Study Type field is populated with a value that has a SynergyMeaning of OTHER.

Note: You must load CEO values into the luLanguage and luLanguageStudyType lookup tables to correctly populate the Language and Study Type fields. For information about loading lookup tables for external systems, see Loading lookup tables for external systems.

Parent1HomeLanguageCode and Parent2HomeLanguageCodeLanguage spoken by the student's parents at home.
Key configuration details

Note: You must load CEO values into the luLanguage lookup table to correctly populate the Home Language field. For information about loading lookup tables for external systems, see Loading lookup tables for external systems.

Parent1SchoolEducation and Parent2SchoolEducationHighest level of secondary education achieved by the student's parents.
Key configuration details
Parent1PostSchoolEducation and Parent2PostSchoolEducationHighest level of post-school education achieved by the student's parents.
Key configuration details

Note: You must load CEO values into the luQualification lookup table to correctly populate the Highest Qualification Level field. For information about loading lookup tables for external systems, see Loading lookup tables for external systems.

Parent1Occupation and Parent2OccupationOccupations of the student's parents.
Key configuration details

Note: You must load CEO values into the luOccupationPosition lookup table to correctly populate the Position field. For information about loading lookup tables for external systems, see Loading lookup tables for external systems.

VisaSubclassNumberVisa subclass code of the student.
Key configuration details

Note: You must load CEO values into the luVisaSubclasses lookup table to correctly populate the Subclass field. For information about loading lookup tables for external systems, see Loading lookup tables for external systems.

VisaTypeVisa type of the student.
Key configuration details

Note: You must load CEO values into the luVisa lookup table to correctly populate the Visa class field. For information about loading lookup tables for external systems, see Loading lookup tables for external systems.

VisaExpiryDateExpiry date of the student's Visa.
Key configuration details
PreferredNamePreferred name of the student.
Key configuration details
TravelModeToSchoolCode of the transportation method used by the student to travel to school.
Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the AM/PM and Transport Code fields on the Transport tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Transport tab.
  • The values of the Transport Code field are defined using the luTransport lookup table. See luTransport lookup table.
  • This value is populated with the first student transport record that has a Transport Code and the AM/PM field populated with either PM or AM/PM.

Note: You must load CEO values into the luTransport lookup table to correctly populate the Transport Code field. For information about loading lookup tables for external systems, see Loading lookup tables for external systems.

TravelModeToSchoolDetailsDescription of the transportation method used by the student to travel to school.
Key configuration details
AccompanimentToSchoolWhether the student is accompanied by an adult when travelling to school.
Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the Accompanied by Adult field on the Transport tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Transport tab.
  • This value is A when the Accompanied by Adult field is Y.
  • This value is I when the Accompanied by Adult field is N.
  • This value is U when the Accompanied by Adult field is Blank.
TravelModeToSchoolLastUpdatedDate the record of the transportation method used by the student to travel to school was last updated.
Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the AM/PM and Transport Code fields on the Transport tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Transport tab.
  • This value is populated with the last modified date of the first student transport record that has a Transport Code and the AM/PM field populated with either AM or AM/PM.
TravelModeFromSchoolCode of the transportation method used by the student to travel from school.
Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the AM/PM and Transport Code fields on the Transport tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Transport tab.
  • The values of the Transport Code field are defined using the luTransport lookup table. See luTransport lookup table.
  • This value is populated with the first student transport record that has a Transport Code and the AM/PM field populated with either AM or AM/PM.

Note: You must load CEO values into the luTransport lookup table to correctly populate the Transport Code field. For information about loading lookup tables for external systems, see Loading lookup tables for external systems.

TravelModeFromSchoolDetailsDescription of the transportation method used by the student to travel from school.
Key configuration details
AccompanimentFromSchoolWhether the student is accompanied by an adult when travelling from school.
Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the Accompanied by Adult field on the Transport tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Transport tab.
  • This value is A when the Accompanied by Adult field is Y.
  • This value is I when the Accompanied by Adult field is N.
  • This value is U when the Accompanied by Adult field is Blank.
TravelModeFromSchoolLastUpdatedDate the record of the transportation method used by the student to travel from school was last updated.
Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the AM/PM and Transport Code fields on the Transport tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Transport tab.
  • This value is populated with the last modified date of the first student transport record that has a Transport Code and the AM/PM field populated with either PM or AM/PM.
TransitionalPrepFlagWhether the student completed a prep transition program. 
Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the Form and Year Level fields on the Status sub-tab of the School tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - School tab - Status sub-tab.
  • This value is Y when the Year Level field is populated with Year 0 and the Form field is populated with a value that has the TransitionFlag selected in the luForm lookup table. See luForm lookup table.
VictorianStudentNumberVictorian Student Number assigned to the student.
Key configuration details
AppliedForFundingWhether your school has applied for funding for the selected student.
Key configuration details
CitizenshipStatusCitizenship status of the student.
Key configuration details

Note: You must load CEO values into the luCitizenshipStatus lookup table to correctly populate the Status field. For information about loading lookup tables for external systems, see Loading lookup tables for external systems.

RefugeeStatusRefugee status of the student.
Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the Refugee (Now or last 7 years) field on the Flags tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Flags tab.
  • This value is Y when the Refugee (Now or last 7 years) field is selected. Otherwise, this value is N.
ExtendedLeaveFlagWhether the student is on an extended leave of absence.
Key configuration details