School and School Board Information

CEO fieldDescription
CEOSchoolCodeCEO school code assigned to your organisation.
Key configuration details
BoardMembersFemaleNumber of female board members at your organisation.
Key configuration details
BoardMembersMaleNumber of male board members at your organisation.
Key configuration details
BoardNameName of your school board.
Key configuration details
BoardTypeType of school board.
Key configuration details
PresidentCanonicalAdminParishCanonical administrator for your organisation.
Key configuration details
ClassGroupCommentsComments about the class group.
Key configuration details

External codes used to identify the LOTE (Languages Other Than English) programs taught at your organisation.

Note: You can record up to six LOTE programs.

Key configuration details

Program types used for the LOTE (Languages Other Than English) programs taught at your organisation.

Note: You can record up to six LOTE programs.

Key configuration details

Note: You need to load CEO values into the luLOTEProgramType lookup table to correctly populate the Parish field. For information about loading lookup tables for external systems, see Loading lookup tables for external systems.

LOTE1LessonDurationMinutesPrep to LOTE6LessonDurationMinutesPrep


LOTE1LessonDurationMinutesYear6 to LOTE6LessonDurationMinutesYear6

Lesson duration for each LOTE Program taught to junior school students at your organisation.
Key configuration details

LOTE1LessonsPerWeekPrep to


LOTE1LessonsPerWeekYear6 to

Number of lessons per week for each LOTE Program taught to junior school students at your organisation.
Key configuration details

LOTE1NumberOfTermsPrep to


LOTE1NumberOfTermsYear12 to

Number of terms for each LOTE Program taught to all students at your organisation.
Key configuration details

LOTE1SelectionCriteriaCEOCodePrep to LOTE6SelectionCriteriaCEOCodePrep


LOTE1SelectionCriteriaCEOCodeYear6 to LOTE6SelectionCriteriaCEOCodeYear6

Criteria used to select the students for each LOTE Program taught to junior school students at your organisation.
Key configuration details
LOTEPolicyCEOCodeYear7 to
CEO language policy code for each secondary school year level.
Key configuration details
  • These values are defined using the CEOLanguagePolicyCode field in the luYearLevel lookup table. See luYearLevel lookup table

LOTE1StudyPeriodsPerCycleYear7 to


LOTE1StudyPeriodsPerCycleYear12 to LOTE6StudyPeriodsPerCycleYear12

Number of study periods per cycle for each LOTE Program taught to secondary school students at your organisation.
Key configuration details
TimetableCycleDaysNumber of days in the timetable cycle.
Key configuration details
TimetablePeriodsPerCycleNumber of periods in a day. 
Key configuration details
TimetableAverageMinutesAverage period duration in minutes.
Key configuration details
LanguagesPolicyLanguages policy of your organisation.
Key configuration details

SMS system used by your organisation.

Note: This value is hard-coded to "Synergetic".

VersionVersion of Synergetic used by your organisation.
SchoolHasBoardFlagWhether your organisation has a governing board.
Key configuration details
OtherSchoolsServedOther schools served by your organisation's board.
Key configuration details
ExternalSystemCodeExternal system code used to identify the body of canonical jurisdiction that your organisation operates under.
Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the ExternalSystemCode linked to the body of canonical jurisdiction selected using the Body of Canonical Jurisdiction field on the Page 2 sub-tab of the School tab of School Settings Maintenance. See School Settings Maintenance - School tab - Page 2 sub-tab.

Note: You need to load CEO values into the luSchoolCanonicalJurisdictionBody lookup table to correctly populate the Body of Canonical Jurisdiction field. For information about loading lookup tables for external systems, see Loading lookup tables for external systems.