Student File 11

CEO fieldDescription

CEO school code assigned to your organisation.
Key configuration details.
CEOCampusCodeCampus of the student.
Key configuration details
IDSynergetic ID of the student.
Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the Synergetic Community ID of the student.
YearLevelYear level of the student.
Key configuration details
StudentSurnameSurname of the student.
Key configuration details
StudentGiven1Given name of the student.
Key configuration details
StudentGiven2Middle names of the student.
Key configuration details

Gender of the student.

Note: You can define the list of genders used at your organisation using the luGender lookup table. See luGender lookup table.

Key configuration details
BirthdateDate of birth of the student.
Key configuration details
SchoolClassForm or tutor group of the student.
Key configuration details

Domain code linked to the subject assessment area.

Key configuration details

Note: You must load the pre-defined curriculum frameworks using the Subject Assessment Maintenance Other Definition window before they can be linked using the External Link field. See Loading pre-defined curriculum frameworks.

DimensionDimension code linked to the subject assessment area.
Key configuration details

Note: You must load the pre-defined curriculum frameworks using the Subject Assessment Maintenance Other Definition window before they can be linked using the External Link field. See Loading pre-defined curriculum frameworks.

Domain_ScoreOverall result achieved by the student for the domain linked to the subject assessment area.
Key configuration details
Dimension_ScoreResult achieved by the student for the dimension linked to the subject assessment area.
Key configuration details