Student Background Data File


Unique ID allocated to a given school and campus by ACARA.

Note: You can determine your ACARA school code by searching for your school using the ACARA Schools List. See ACARA Schools List.

  • This field is defined by populating the SchoolCodeACARA configuration setting with the ACARA SML ID assigned to your organisation by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. See SchoolCodeACARA configuration setting.
School Name

Registered name of your organisation.

Calendar Year

Year of the data.

Jurisdiction Student ID

Synergetic ID of the student.

For the purposes of this export, Synergetic IDs are used to:

  • uniquely identify students in your school to prevent students being reported twice
  • provide a reference point for correcting data issues with individual students.

Note: Students are assigned a Synergetic ID when their record is created in Synergetic. You can either create new records or transfer students from Future Student Maintenance to Current Student Maintenance. See Creating new students.

Grade of Student Enrolment

Year level of the student. ACARA requires this field to be populated with one of the following values.

  • This field is defined using the Year Level drop-down list on the School tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - School tab - Status sub-tab.
  • This field has a value of either:

    • 0 = Year 1 minus 1 (Kinder-Prep)
    • 1 = Year 1
    • 2 = Year 2 
    • 3 = Year 3 
    • 4 = Year 4 
    • 5 = Year 5 
    • 6 = Year 6
    • 7 = Year 7
    • 8 = Year 8 
    • 9 = Year 9 
    • 10 = Year 10 
    • 11 = Year 11
    • 12 = Year 12 
    • 22 = Year PS (special schools QLD);
    • 33 = Year 1-2 (Pre-Kinder)
    • PU = Primary Ungraded
    • SU = Senior Ungraded
    • 99 = Ungraded.

Note: You need to map luYearLevel values to ACARA values using the ACARA interface setting. Click the link below for more information.

 How to map luYearLevel values to ACARA values

To map the luYearLevel values:

  1. Open the Interface Settings window. See Using the Interface Settings window.
    The Interface Settings window is displayed.
  2. Select ACARA - Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority from the drop-down list.
  3. Click  to expand all items in the settings tree, if they are not already expanded.
  4. Click Outbound.
    The lookup tables are displayed.
  5. Click the arrow on the luYearLevel item.
  6. Click  next to the first value to be mapped.
    The mapping drop-down list is displayed.

    Note: The  icon is displayed when there are unmapped values.

  7. Select the ACARA value that best represents the corresponding Synergetic lookup table record.
  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for all remaining year levels.
Date of Birth

Date of birth of the student.

  • This field is defined using the Date of Birth field on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
  • This field must be formatted at text without any leading or trailing spaces.
  • This field must be entered using the format DD/MM/YYYY. For example, 02/05/2021.
Gender (Sex)

Gender of the student.

Note: You can define the list of genders used at your organisation using the luGender lookup table. See luGender lookup table.

  • This field is defined using the Gender field of the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
  • This field has a value of either:

    • 1 = Male
    • 2 = Female
    • 3 = Intersex or Indeterminate
    • 9 = Not stated/inadequately described.

Note: You must map luGender values to ACARA values using the ACARA interface setting. Click the link below for more information.

 How to map luGender values to ACARA values

To map the luGender values:

  1. Open the Interface Settings window. See Using the Interface Settings window.
    The Interface Settings window is displayed.
  2. Select ACARA - Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority from the drop-down list.
  3. Click  to expand all items in the settings tree, if they are not already expanded.
  4. Click Outbound.
    The lookup tables are displayed.
  5. Click the arrow on the luGender item.
  6. Click  next to the first value to be mapped.
    The mapping drop-down list is displayed.

    Note: The  icon is displayed when there are unmapped values.

  7. Select the ACARA value that best represents the corresponding Synergetic lookup table record.

  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for all remaining genders.
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status
(ATSI Status)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status.

  • This field is defined based the selections of the Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander fields of the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab..
  • This field has a value of:

    • 1 when the Indigenous Student field is selected
    • 2 when the Torres Strait Islander field is selected
    • 3 when both fields are selected
    • 4 when neither field is selected
    • 9 when the status is not-stated or unknown.
Student Language other than English spoken at home
(Students Main SLG)

Language spoken at home by the student. 

  • This field is defined using the Home Language field of the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.

  • This field must be populated with one of the values defined in the LanguageList tab of the 2019_Independent_school_template.xls spreadsheet. See 2019 SBD_independent_school_template.xls.

    Note: You must map luLanguage values to ACARA values using the ACARA interface setting. Click the link below for more information.

 How to map luLanguage values to ACARA values

To map the lulanguage values:

  1. Open the Interface Settings window. See Using the Interface Settings window.
    The Interface Settings window is displayed.
  2. Select ACARA - Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority from the drop-down list.
  3. Click  to expand all items in the settings tree, if they are not already expanded.
  4. Click Outbound.
    The lookup tables are displayed.
  5. Click the arrow on the luLanguage item.
  6. Click  next to the first value to be mapped.
    The mapping drop-down list is displayed.

    Note: The  icon is displayed when there are unmapped values.

  7. Select the ACARA value that best represents the corresponding Synergetic lookup table record.

  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for all remaining languages.
Parent 1 School Education
(Parent Guardian 1 School Education)

Highest secondary year level of the mother.

  • This field is defined using the Highest Secondary Year Level field on the Parent 1 or Parent 2 sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab.

    Note: Synergetic applies logic defined by the Commonwealth Government to identify Parent 1, accordingly there will be instances where the parent number in the export may not correspond with the sub-tab name.

  • This field has a value of:

    • 0 for Not stated/unknown
    • 1 for Year 9 or equivalent or below
    • 2 for Year 10 or equivalent
    • 3 for Year 11 or equivalent
    • 4 for Year 12 or equivalent.

Tip: You can use the ParentYearLevelNoConvert configuration setting to determine whether the value of the Highest Secondary Year Level field in Synergetic needs to be converted to the appropriate MCEETYA value.  If you are already storing the Parent Year Level in the MCEETYA format, set this to True.

Parent 1 Non-School Education
(Parent Guardian 1 Highest Non-School Education)

Highest qualification level of the mother.

  • This field is defined using the Highest Qualification Level field on the Parent 1 or Parent 2 sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab.

    Note: Synergetic applies logic defined by the Commonwealth Government to identify Parent 1, accordingly there will be instances where the parent number in the export may not correspond with the sub-tab name.

  • This field has a value of:

    • 0 for Not stated/unknown.
    • 5 for Certificate I to IV (including trades)
    • 6 for Diploma/Advanced Diploma
    • 7 for Bachelor Degree or higher
    • 8 for No non-school education.
Parent 1 Occupation Group
(Parent Guardian 1 Occupation Group)

Occupation position of the mother.

  • This field is defined using the Occupation Position field on the Parent 1 or Parent 2 sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab.

    Note: Synergetic applies logic defined by the Commonwealth Government to identify Parent 1, accordingly there will be instances where the parent number in the export may not correspond with the sub-tab name.

  • This field has a value of:

    • 1 for Senior management in large business organisation, government admin/defence, qualified professional
    • 2 for Other business manager, arts/media/sportsperson, associate professional
    • 3 for Tradesman/woman, clerk, skilled office/sales/service staff
    • 4 for Machine operator, hospitality staff, assistant, labourer, related worker
    • 8 for Not in paid work in last 12 months
    • 9 for Not stated or unknown.
Parent 1 Language other than English spoken at home
(Parent Guardian 1 Main SLG)

Home language of the mother.

  • This field is defined using the Home Language field on the Parent 1 or Parent 2 sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab.

    Note: Synergetic applies logic defined by the Commonwealth Government to identify Parent 1, accordingly there will be instances where the parent number in the export may not correspond with the sub-tab name.

  • This field must be populated with one of the values defined in the LanguageList tab of the 2019_Independent_school_template.xls spreadsheet. See 2019 SBD_independent_school_template.xls.

  • Note:
     You must map luLanguage values to ACARA values using the ACARA interface setting. Click the link below for more information

 How to map luLanguage values to ACARA values

To map the lulanguage values:

  1. Open the Interface Settings window. See Using the Interface Settings window.
    The Interface Settings window is displayed.
  2. Select ACARA - Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority from the drop-down list.
  3. Click  to expand all items in the settings tree, if they are not already expanded.
  4. Click Outbound.
    The lookup tables are displayed.
  5. Click the arrow on the luLanguage item.
  6. Click  next to the first value to be mapped.
    The mapping drop-down list is displayed.

    Note: The  icon is displayed when there are unmapped values.

  7. Select the ACARA value that best represents the corresponding Synergetic lookup table record.

  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for all remaining languages.
Parent 2 School Education
(Parent Guardian 2 School Education)

Highest secondary year level of the father.

  • This field is defined using the Highest Secondary Year Level field on the Parent 1 or Parent 2 sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab.

    Note: Synergetic applies logic defined by the Commonwealth Government to identify Parent 2, accordingly there will be instances where the parent number in the export may not correspond with the sub-tab name.

  • This field has a value of:

    • 0 for Not stated/unknown
    • 1 for Year 9 or equivalent or below
    • 2 for Year 10 or equivalent
    • 3 for Year 11 or equivalent
    • 4 for Year 12 or equivalent.

Tip: You can use the ParentYearLevelNoConvert configuration setting to determine whether the value of the Highest Secondary Year Level field in Synergetic needs to be converted to the appropriate MCEETYA value.  If you are already storing the Parent Year Level in the MCEETYA format, set this to True.

Parent 2 Non-School Education
(Parent Guardian 2 Highest Non-School Education)

Highest qualification level of the father.

  • This field is defined using the Highest Qualification Level field on the Parent 1 or Parent 2 sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab.

    Note: Synergetic applies logic defined by the Commonwealth Government to identify Parent 2, accordingly there will be instances where the parent number in the export may not correspond with the sub-tab name.

  • This field has a value of:

    • 0 for Not stated/unknown.
    • 5 for Certificate I to IV (including trades)
    • 6 for Diploma/Advanced Diploma
    • 7 for Bachelor Degree or higher
    • 8 for No non-school education.
Parent 2 Occupation Group
(Parent Guardian 2 Occupation Group)

Occupation position of the father.

  • This field is defined using the Occupation Position field on the Parent 1 or Parent 2 sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab.

    Note: Synergetic applies logic defined by the Commonwealth Government to identify Parent 2, accordingly there will be instances where the parent number in the export may not correspond with the sub-tab name.

  • This field has a value of:

    • 1 for Senior management in large business organisation, government admin/defence, qualified professional
    • 2 for Other business manager, arts/media/sportsperson, associate professional
    • 3 for Tradesman/woman, clerk, skilled office/sales/service staff
    • 4 for Machine operator, hospitality staff, assistant, labourer, related worker
    • 8 for Not in paid work in last 12 months
    • 9 for Not stated or unknown.
Parent 2 Language other than English spoken at home
(Parent Guardian 2 Main SLG)

Home language of the father.

  • This field is defined using the Home Language field on the Parent 1 or Parent 2 sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab.

    Note: Synergetic applies logic defined by the Commonwealth Government to identify Parent 2, accordingly there will be instances where the parent number in the export may not correspond with the sub-tab name.

  • This field must be populated with one of the values defined in the LanguageList tab of the 2019_Independent_school_template.xls spreadsheet. See 2019 SBD_independent_school_template.xls.

    Note: You must map luLanguage values to ACARA values using the ACARA interface setting. Click the link below for more information.

 How to map luLanguage values to ACARA values

To map the lulanguage values:

  1. Open the Interface Settings window. See Using the Interface Settings window.
    The Interface Settings window is displayed.
  2. Select ACARA - Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority from the drop-down list.
  3. Click  to expand all items in the settings tree, if they are not already expanded.
  4. Click Outbound.
    The lookup tables are displayed.
  5. Click the arrow on the luLanguage item.
  6. Click  next to the first value to be mapped.
    The mapping drop-down list is displayed.

    Note: The  icon is displayed when there are unmapped values.

  7. Select the ACARA value that best represents the corresponding Synergetic lookup table record.

  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for all remaining languages.