WA Demographic

WA Demographic

AYearFile year of the export.
Select the year using the Year field on the Demographic tab of the Import/Export Student Data window.

SemesterSemester of the export.

Select the term using the Term field on the Demographic tab of the Import/Export Student Data window.

Note: This value corresponds to the value of the Sem field on the File Semester tab of Student File Semester Maintenance. The actual value populated in the export is determined by the value of the Actual Sem field. See Student File Semester Maintenance - File Semester tab.

CFile dateProcess date of the export.
Select the process date using the Process Date field on the Demographic tab of the Import/Export Student Data window.
DSchool codeAustralian government code identifying the school. 
Type the school code into the School Code field on the Demographic tab of the Import/Export Student Data window.
ESchool nameName of your organisation.
Type the name of your organisation into the School Name field on the Page 1 tab of the School tab of School Settings Maintenance. See School Settings Maintenance - School tab.

Previous school - code

Code of the previous school attended by the student.


Select the previous school using the Previous School field on the Entry tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Entry tab.

This field has a value of:

  • your school code if the student has studied at your school during the previous year
  • the previous school code if the student studied at another school during the previous year
  • 0009 when the school code is invalid or blank.

Note: The actual field value is defined using the ExternalSystemCode field of the luSchool lookup table. You need to populate the lookup table values by loading MCEETYA values into the luSchool lookup table. See:

luSchool lookup table.
 Loading lookup tables for external systems.

Important: Data is not loaded when the details of an existing row match the corresponding row from the loaded data. When this happens you need to manually select the MCEETYA ExternalSystemType and ExternalSystemCode values.


Previous school - name

Name of the previous school attended by the student.

Select the previous school using the Previous School field on the Entry tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Entry tab.

This field has a value of:

  • your school name if the student has studied at your school during the previous year
  • the previous school name if the student studied at another school during the previous year
  • Not stated when the school code is invalid or blank.

Note: The actual field value is defined using the Description field of the luSchool lookup table. You need to populate the lookup table values by loading MCEETYA values into the luSchool lookup table. See:

luSchool lookup table.
 Loading lookup tables for external systems.

Important: Data is not loaded when the details of an existing row match the corresponding row from the loaded data. When this happens you need to manually select the MCEETYA ExternalSystemType and ExternalSystemCode values.

HEnrolment dateDate the student entered your organisation.
Select the date using the Entry date field on the Entry tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Entry tab.
IStudent year levelYear level of the student.
Select the year level of the student using the Year Level field on the School tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - School tab.
JFTEFTE of the student.
Type the FTE of the student into the FTE field on the School tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - School tab.
KKIN num hours total
LPrecompulsory sessionsNumber of half-days completed by kindergarten students.

This value is defined based on the value typed into the FTE field on the School tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - School tab.

For example, with an FTE of 0.8 this field has a value 8.

MRepeatingWhether the student is repeating the year level.
Select a status of Repeating using the Status field on the Status sub-tab of the School tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - School tab - Status sub-tab.
NWestern Australian Student Number (WASN)

Student number assigned to the student by the government.

Type the student number into the Government Student Number field on the Codes tab Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Codes tab.
OFirst nameGiven name of the student.
Type the given name of the student into the first text field of the Given field of the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
PMiddle nameMiddle name of the student.
Type the middle name of the student into the second text field of the Given field of the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
QFamily nameSurname of the student.
Type the surname of the student into the Surname field of the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
RPreferred NamePreferred name of the student.
Type the preferred name of the student into the Preferred field of the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
SIndigenous StatusIndigenous status of the student.

Select the Indigenous Student and Torres Strait Islander fields on the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance to determine the value of this field. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab.

This field has a value of:

  • 1 when the Indigenous Student flag is selected
  • 2 when the Torres Strait Islander flag is selected
  • 3 when both flags are selected.
  • 4 when neither flag is selected.
TSexGender of the student.

Select the gender of the student using the Gender field on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab

This field has a value of either:

  • 1 for Male
  • 2 for Female
  • 3 for Intersex or Indeterminate
  • 9 for Not stated.

Note: You need to map luGender values to these WA Demographic values using the WAGOVDEMO interface setting. See Using the Interface Settings window.

UDate Of BirthDate of birth of the student.
Select the date of birth of the student using the Date of Birth field on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
VVisa sub classVisa subclass code of the student.

Select the visa subclass using the Subclass drop-down list on the International tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - International tab.

Note: This column may be unexpectedly blank if there is bad data. If this occurs, check that the Citizenship, Visa Subclasses and Visa Conditions data is correct.

WCountry of BirthCountry of birth of the student.

Select the country of birth of the student using the Country of Birth drop-down list on Student sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab.

Note: The actual field value (e.g. 1101 - Australia) is defined using the ExternalSystemCode field of the luCountry lookup table. You need to populate the lookup table values by loading MCEETYA values into the luCountry lookup table. See:

 luCountry lookup table.
 Loading lookup tables for external systems.

Important: Data is not loaded when the details of an existing row match the corresponding row from the loaded data. When this happens you need to manually select the MCEETYA ExternalSystemType and ExternalSystemCode values.

XMain language other than English spoken at home by the student

Select the home language of the student using the Home Language drop-down list on Student sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab.

Note: The actual field value (e.g. 1101) is defined using the ExternalSystemCode field of the luLanguage lookup table. You need to populate the lookup table values by loading MCEETYA values into the luLanguage lookup table. See 

 luLanguage lookup table
 Loading lookup tables for external systems.

Important: Data is not loaded when the details of an existing row match the corresponding row from the loaded data. When this happens you need to manually select the MCEETYA ExternalSystemType and ExternalSystemCode values.

YResidential Address 1First line of home address of the student
Populate the Line 1 field for the student on the Home Address tab of Community Maintenance. See Community Maintenance - Home Address tab.
ZResidential Address 2Second line of home address of the student
Populate the Line 2 field for the student on the Home Address tab of Community Maintenance. See Community Maintenance - Home Address tab.
AASuburb/LocalitySuburb of the home address of the student.
Populate the Suburb field for the student on the Home Address tab of Community Maintenance. See Community Maintenance - Home Address tab.
ABPostCodePostcode of the home address of the student.
Populate the Postcode field for the student on the Home Address tab of Community Maintenance. See Community Maintenance - Home Address tab.
ACParent/Guardian 1 School EducationCode used for the highest level of school education attained by the first parent.

Select the highest level of school education using the Highest Secondary Year Level field on the Parent 1 sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab - Parent 1 sub-tab.

Note: Parent 1 and Parent 2 are determined by the order of the parent contacts on the Contacts tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Contacts tab.

This field has a value of:

  • 0 for Not stated/unknown
  • 1 for Year 9 or equivalent or below
  • 2 for Year 10 or equivalent
  • 3 for Year 11 or equivalent
  • 4 for Year 12 or equivalent.
ADParent/Guardian 1 Non-School EducationCode used for the highest qualification level attained by the first parent.
Select the highest qualification level using the Highest Qualification Level field on the Parent 1 sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab - Parent 1 sub-tab.

This field has a value of:

  • 0 for Not stated/unknown.
  • 5 for Certificate I to IV (including trades)
  • 6 for Diploma/Advanced Diploma
  • 7 for Bachelor Degree or higher
  • 8 for No non-school education.

Note: The actual field value (e.g. 2) is defined using the ExternalSystemCode field of the luQualificationLevel lookup table. You need to populate the lookup table values by loading MCEETYA values into the luQualificationLevel lookup table. See:

 luQualificationLevel lookup table
 Loading lookup tables for external systems.

Important: Data is not loaded when the details of an existing row match the corresponding row from the loaded data. When this happens you need to manually select the MCEETYA ExternalSystemType and ExternalSystemCode values.

AEParent/Guardian 1 OccupationCode used for the occupation position of the first parent.

Select the occupation position using the Occupation Position field drop-down list on the Parent 1 sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab - Parent 1 sub-tab.

This field has a value of:

  • 1 for Senior management in large business organisation, government admin/defence, qualified professional
  • 2 for Other business manager, arts/media/sportsperson, associate professional
  • 3 for Tradesman/woman, clerk, skilled office/sales/service staff
  • 4 for Machine operator, hospitality staff, assistant, labourer, related worker
  • 8 for Not in paid work in last 12 months
  • 9 for Not stated or unknown.

Note: The actual field value (e.g. 2) is defined using the ExternalSystemCode field of the luOccupationPosition lookup table. You need to populate the lookup table values by loading MCEETYA values into the luOccupationPosition lookup table. See luOccupationPosition lookup table.

 luOccupationPosition lookup table.
 Loading lookup tables for external systems.

Important: Data is not loaded when the details of an existing row match the corresponding row from the loaded data. When this happens you need to manually select the MCEETYA ExternalSystemType and ExternalSystemCode values.

AFParent/Guardian 1 Language BackgroundCode used for the language spoken by the first parent at home.

Select the home language using the Home language field on the relevant Parent sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab - Parent 1 sub-tab.

Note: The actual field value (e.g. 1201) is defined using the ExternalSystemCode field of the luLanguage lookup table. You need to populate the lookup table values by loading MCEETYA values into the luLanguage lookup table. See:

 luLanguage lookup table
 Loading lookup tables for external systems.

Important: Data is not loaded when the details of an existing row match the corresponding row from the loaded data. When this happens you need to manually select the MCEETYA ExternalSystemType and ExternalSystemCode values.

AGParent/Guardian 2 School EducationCode used for the highest level of school education attained by the second parent.

Select the highest level of school education using the Highest Secondary Year Level field on the Parent 2 sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab - Parent 2 sub-tab.

This field has a value of:

  • 0 for Not stated/unknown
  • 1 for Year 9 or equivalent or below
  • 2 for Year 10 or equivalent
  • 3 for Year 11 or equivalent
  • 4 for Year 12 or equivalent.
AHParent/Guardian 2 Non-School EducationCode used for the highest qualification level attained by the first parent.
Select the highest qualification level using the Highest Qualification Level field on th Parent 2 sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab - Parent 2 sub-tab.

This field has a value of:

  • 0 for Not stated/unknown.
  • 5 for Certificate I to IV (including trades)
  • 6 for Diploma/Advanced Diploma
  • 7 for Bachelor Degree or higher
  • 8 for No non-school education.

Note: The actual field value (e.g. 2) is defined using the ExternalSystemCode field of the luQualificationLevel lookup table. You need to populate the lookup table values by loading MCEETYA values into the luQualificationLevel lookup table. See:

 luQualificationLevel lookup table
 Loading lookup tables for external systems.

Important: Data is not loaded when the details of an existing row match the corresponding row from the loaded data. When this happens you need to manually select the MCEETYA ExternalSystemType and ExternalSystemCode values.

AIParent/Guardian 2 OccupationCode used for the occupation position of the first parent.

Select the occupation position using the Occupation Position field drop-down list on the Parent 2 sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab - Parent 2 sub-tab.

This field has a value of:

  • 1 for Senior management in large business organisation, government admin/defence, qualified professional
  • 2 for Other business manager, arts/media/sportsperson, associate professional
  • 3 for Tradesman/woman, clerk, skilled office/sales/service staff
  • 4 for Machine operator, hospitality staff, assistant, labourer, related worker
  • 8 for Not in paid work in last 12 months
  • 9 for Not stated or unknown.

Note: The actual field value (e.g. 2) is defined using the ExternalSystemCode field of the luOccupationPosition lookup table. You need to populate the lookup table values by loading MCEETYA values into the luOccupationPosition lookup table. See:

 luOccupationPosition lookup table
 Loading lookup tables for external systems.

Important: Data is not loaded when the details of an existing row match the corresponding row from the loaded data. When this happens you need to manually select the MCEETYA ExternalSystemType and ExternalSystemCode values.

AJParent/Guardian 2 Language BackgroundCode used for the language spoken by the first parent at home.

Select the home language using the Home language field on the relevant Parent 2 sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab.

Note: The actual field value (e.g. 1201) is defined using the ExternalSystemCode field of the luLanguage lookup table. You need to populate the lookup table values by loading MCEETYA values into the luLanguage lookup table. See:

 luLanguage lookup table
 Loading lookup tables for external systems.

Important: Data is not loaded when the details of an existing row match the corresponding row from the loaded data. When this happens you need to manually select the MCEETYA ExternalSystemType and ExternalSystemCode values.

AKAttendance Type
AKForm GroupYear level of the student.
Select the year level of the student using the Year Level field on the School tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - School tab.
ALReligionReligion of the student.
Select the religion of the student using the Religion field on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
AM to AVDisability 1 to 9Disability code if student has a disability

Non-Govt Schools can be blank

Intentionally blank.

Although student disabilities are recorded using the Disability tab of Current Student Maintenance, they are not included in the data at export, but can be manually added post export and pre-submission. See Current Student Maintenance - Disability tab.

Note: Up to nine disability codes can be manually added to the data file post export and pre-submission.  Must be a current WA DoE disability code - see current WA DoE CSV DATA FILE Specifications for the WA School Census.

AWParticipatingWhether the student is participating in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD SWD) census.

Select the Include in Export field for the student disability to be reported on the Disability tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Disability tab.

AXCategory of DisabilityCategory of the disability being reported for the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD SWD) census.
Select the category of the student disability to be reported using the Category drop-down list on the Disability tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Disability tab.
AYDisability Adjustment ProvidedDisability adjustment level of the disability being reported for the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD SWD) census.
Select the disability adjustment level of the student disability to be reported using the Adjustment Level drop-down list on the Disability tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Disability tab.
AZInternational Fee PayingWhether the student is an international full-fee paying student.
Select the Full Fee Paying field on the Debtor tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Debtor tab.

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