ACT Demographic

ACT Demographic



Australian government code identifying the school.

Type the school code assigned to your organisation into the School Code field on the Demographic tab of the Import/Export Student Data window.
BACT StudentID

Student identification number.


Select an option from the ACT Student ID Field drop-down list to define the field used as the student identification number for the export. You can select:

  • Studies Code
  • Government Student Number.

Note: Students with this field blank in the export do not have the selected student identification option populated on the Codes tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Codes tab.


Surname of the student.

Type the surname of the student into the Surname field on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
DGivenNameGiven name of the student.
Type the given name of the student into the first text box of the Given field on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
EMiddleNameMiddle name of the student.
Type the middle name of the student into the second text box of the Given field on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
FPreferredNamePreferred name of the student.
Type the preferred name of the student into the Preferred field on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
GYearLevelYear level of the student.
Select the year level of the student using the Year Level drop-down list on the School tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - School tab - Status sub-tab.
HClassIDForm of the student.
Select the form of the student using the Form field on the School tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - School tab - Status sub-tab.
IGenderGender of the student.

Select the gender of the student using the Gender field on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.

This field has a value of either:

  • 1 for Male
  • 2 for Female
  • 3 for Intersex or Indeterminate
  • 9 for Not stated.

Note: You need to map luGender values to these ACT Demographic values using the ACTGOVDEMO interface setting. See Using the Interface Settings window.

JDateOfBirthDate of birth of the student.
Select the date of birth of the student using the Date of Birth field on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
KCountryOfBirthCode used for the country of birth of the student.

Select the country of birth of the student using the Country of Birth drop-down list on Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.

Note: The actual field value (e.g. 1101 - Australia) is defined using the ExternalSystemCode field of the luCountry lookup table. You need to populate the lookup table values by loading MCEETYA values into the luCountry lookup table. See:

 luCountry lookup table.
 Loading lookup tables for external systems.

Important: Data is not loaded when the details of an existing row match the corresponding row from the loaded data. When this happens you need to manually select the MCEETYA ExternalSystemType and ExternalSystemCode values.



Language spoken by the student at home.

Select the home language of the student using the Home Language drop-down list on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.

Note: The actual field value (e.g. 1201) is defined using the ExternalSystemCode field of the luLanguage lookup table. You need to populate the lookup table values by loading MCEETYA values into the luLanguage lookup table. See:

 luLanguage lookup table.
 Loading lookup tables for external systems.

Important: Data is not loaded when the details of an existing row match the corresponding row from the loaded data. When this happens you need to manually select the MCEETYA ExternalSystemType and ExternalSystemCode values.



Indigenous status of the student.

Select the Indigenous Student and Torres Strait Islander fields on the Flags tab of Current Student Maintenance to determine the value of this field. See Current Student Maintenance - Flags tab.

This field has a value of:

  • 1 when the Indigenous Student field is selected
  • 2 when the Torres Strait Islander field is selected
  • 3 when both fields are selected.
  • 4 when no fields are selected.


Code used for the language spoken by the mother at home.

Select the home language using the Home language field on the relevant Parent sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab.

Note: The actual field value (e.g. 1201) is defined using the ExternalSystemCode field of the luLanguage lookup table. You need to populate the lookup table values by loading MCEETYA values into the luLanguage lookup table. See:

 luLanguage lookup table.
 Loading lookup tables for external systems.

Important: Data is not loaded when the details of an existing row match the corresponding row from the loaded data. When this happens you need to manually select the MCEETYA ExternalSystemType and ExternalSystemCode values.



Code used for the highest level of school education attained by the mother.

Select the highest level of school education using the Highest Secondary Year Level field on the relevant Parent sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab.

This field has a value of:

  • 0 for Not stated/unknown
  • 1 for Year 9 or equivalent or below
  • 2 for Year 10 or equivalent
  • 3 for Year 11 or equivalent
  • 4 for Year 12 or equivalent.


Code used for the highest qualification level attained by the mother. 

Select the highest qualification level of using the Highest Qualification Level field on the relevant Parent sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student MaintenanceSee Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab.

This field has a value of:

  • 0 for Not stated/unknown.
  • 1 for Year 9 or equivalent or below
  • 2 for Year 10 or equivalent or below
  • 3 for Year 11 or equivalent or below
  • 4 for Year 12 or equivalent or below
  • 5 for Certificate I to IV (including trades)
  • 6 for Diploma/Advanced Diploma
  • 7 for Bachelor Degree or higher
  • 8 for No non-school education.

Note: The actual field value (e.g. 2) is defined using the ExternalSystemCode field of the luQualificationLevel lookup table. You need to populate the lookup table values by loading MCEETYA values into the luQualificationLevel lookup table. See:

• luQualificationLevel lookup table
 Loading lookup tables for external systems.

Important: Data is not loaded when the details of an existing row match the corresponding row from the loaded data. When this happens you need to manually select the MCEETYA ExternalSystemType and ExternalSystemCode values.



Code used for the occupation position of the mother.

Select the occupation position of the mother using the Occupation Position field drop-down list on the relevant Parent sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab.

Note: The actual field value (e.g. 2) is defined using the ExternalSystemCode field of the luOccupationPosition lookup table. You need to populate the lookup table values by loading MCEETYA values into the luOccupationPosition lookup table. See:

• luOccupationPosition lookup table
 Loading lookup tables for external systems.

Important: Data is not loaded when the details of an existing row match the corresponding row from the loaded data. When this happens you need to manually select the MCEETYA ExternalSystemType and ExternalSystemCode values.



Code for the language spoken by the father at home.

Select the home language using the Home language field on the relevant Parent sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab.

Note: The actual field value (e.g. 1101) is defined using the ExternalSystemCode field of the luLanguage lookup table. You need to populate the lookup table values by loading MCEETYA values into the luLangauge lookup table. See 

 luLanguage lookup table
 Loading lookup tables for external systems.

Important: Data is not loaded when the details of an existing row match the corresponding row from the loaded data. When this happens you need to manually select the MCEETYA ExternalSystemType and ExternalSystemCode values.



Code used for the highest level of school education attained by the father.

Select the highest level of school education using the Highest Secondary Year Level field on the relevant Parent sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab.

This field has a value of:

  • 0 for Not stated/unknown
  • 1 for Year 9 or equivalent or below
  • 2 for Year 10 or equivalent
  • 3 for Year 11 or equivalent
  • 4 for Year 12 or equivalent.

Code used for the highest qualification level attained by the father. 

Select the highest qualification level of using the Highest Qualification Level field on the relevant Parent sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student MaintenanceSee Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab.

This field has a value of:

  • 0 for Not stated/unknown
  • 1 for Year 9 or equivalent or below
  • 2 for Year 10 or equivalent or below
  • 3 for Year 11 or equivalent or below
  • 4 for Year 12 or equivalent or below
  • 5 for Certificate I to IV (including trades)
  • 6 for Diploma/Advanced Diploma
  • 7 for Bachelor Degree or higher
  • 8 for No non-school education.

Note: The actual field value (e.g. 2) is defined using the ExternalSystemCode field of the luQualificationLevel lookup table. You need to populate the lookup table values by loading MCEETYA values into the luQualificationLevel lookup table. See:

• luQualificationLevel lookup table
 Loading lookup tables for external systems.

Important: Data is not loaded when the details of an existing row match the corresponding row from the loaded data. When this happens you need to manually select the MCEETYA ExternalSystemType and ExternalSystemCode values.


Code used for the occupation position of the father.

Select the occupation position of the father using the Occupation Position field drop-down list on the relevant Parent sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab.

This field has a value of:

  • 1 for Senior management in large business organisation, government admin/defence, qualified professional
  • 2 for Other business manager, arts/media/sportsperson, associate professional
  • 3 for Tradesman/woman, clerk, skilled office/sales/service staff
  • 4 for Machine operator, hospitality staff, assistant, labourer, related worker
  • 8 for Not in paid work in last 12 months
  • 9 for Not stated or unknown.

Note: The actual field value (e.g. 2) is defined using the ExternalSystemCode field of the luOccupationPosition lookup table. You need to populate the lookup table values by loading MCEETYA values into the luOccupationPosition lookup table. See:

• luOccupationPosition lookup table
 Loading lookup tables for external systems.

Important: Data is not loaded when the details of an existing row match the corresponding row from the loaded data. When this happens you need to manually select the MCEETYA ExternalSystemType and ExternalSystemCode values.

VStudentApartmentNumberApartment number of the student's home address.
Populate the Line 1 field on the Home Address tab of Community Maintenance. See Community Maintenance - Home Address tab.  
WStudentStreetNumberStreet number of the student's home address.
Populate the Line 1 field on the Home Address tab of Community Maintenance. See Community Maintenance - Home Address tab
XStudentStreetNameStreet name of the student's home address.
Populate the Line 1 field on the Home Address tab of Community Maintenance. See Community Maintenance - Home Address tab
YStudentHomeSuburbSuburb of the student's home address.
Populate the student's suburb into the Suburb field on the Home Address tab of Community Maintenance. See Community Maintenance - Home Address tab.
ZStudentHomePostCodePostcode of the student's home address.
Populate the student's postcode into the Postcode field on the Home Address tab of Community Maintenance. See Community Maintenance - Home Address tab.
AAStudentHomeStateState of the student's home address.
Populate the student's state into the State field on the Home Address tab of Community Maintenance. See Community Maintenance - Home Address tab.
ABInternationalStudentWhether the student is an international student.
ACStudentFTEFTE of the student.

Type the FTE of the student into the FTE field on the School tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - School tab - Status sub-tab.

Note: FTE is recorded as the number of days attended. For example, 5 indicates a full-time student.

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