
Synergetic ID of the student.

BParent Guardian 1 School Education

Code for the highest level of secondary education attained by the mother.

  • This field is defined using the Highest Secondary Year Level field on the Parent 1 or Parent 2 sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab.

    Note: Synergetic applies logic defined by the Commonwealth Government to identify Parent 1, accordingly there will be instances where the parent number in the export may not correspond with the sub-tab name.

  • This field has a value of:

    • 0 when the highest level of secondary school education is Not stated/unknown
    • 1 when the highest level of secondary school education is Year 9 or equivalent or below
    • 2 when the highest level of secondary school education is Year 10 or equivalent
    • 3 when the highest level of secondary school education is Year 11 or equivalent
    • 4 when the highest level of secondary school education is Year 12 or equivalent.
CParent Guardian 2 School Education

Code for the highest level of secondary education attained by the father.  

  • This field is defined using the Highest Secondary Year Level field on the Parent 1 or Parent 2 sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab.

    Note: Synergetic applies logic defined by the Commonwealth Government to identify Parent 2, accordingly there will be instances where the parent number in the export may not correspond with the sub-tab name.

  • This field has a value of:

    • 0 when the highest level of secondary school education is Not stated/unknown
    • 1 when the highest level of secondary school education is Year 9 or equivalent or below
    • 2 when the highest level of secondary school education is Year 10 or equivalent
    • 3 when the highest level of secondary school education is Year 11 or equivalent
    • 4 when the highest level of secondary school education is Year 12 or equivalent.
DParent Guardian 1 Post School EducationCode used for the highest qualification level attained by the mother.
  • This field is defined using the Highest Qualification Level drop-down list on the Parent 1 or Parent 2 sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab.

    Note: Synergetic applies logic defined by the Commonwealth Government to identify Parent 1, accordingly there will be instances where the parent number in the export may not correspond with the sub-tab name.

  • This field has a value of:

    • 0 when the qualification is Not stated/unknown.
    • 5 when the qualification is Certificate I to IV (including trades)
    • 6 when the qualification is Diploma/Advanced Diploma
    • 7 when the qualification is Bachelor Degree or higher
    • 8 when the qualification is No non-school education.

Parent Guardian 2 Post School EducationCode used for the highest qualification level attained by the father.
  • This field is defined using the Highest Qualification Level drop-down list on the Parent 1 or Parent 2 sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab.

    Note: Synergetic applies logic defined by the Commonwealth Government to identify Parent 2, accordingly there will be instances where the parent number in the export may not correspond with the sub-tab name.

  • This field has a value of:

    • 0 when the qualification is Not stated/unknown.
    • 5 when the qualification is Certificate I to IV (including trades)
    • 6 when the qualification is Diploma/Advanced Diploma
    • 7 when the qualification is Bachelor Degree or higher
    • 8 when the qualification is No non-school education.
FParent Guardian 1 OccupationCode used for the occupation of the mother.
  • This field is defined using the Occupation Position drop-down list on the Parent 1 or Parent 2 sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab.

    Note: Synergetic applies logic defined by the Commonwealth Government to identify Parent 1, accordingly there will be instances where the parent number in the export may not correspond with the sub-tab name.

  • This field has a value of:

    • 1 when the parent has an occupation position of Senior management.
    • 2 when the parent has an occupation position of Other business manager.
    • 3 when the parent has an occupation position of Tradesperson, clerk, sales and service staff.
    • 4 when the parent has an occupation position of Machine operator.
    • 8 when the parent has an occupation position of Not in paid work.
    • 9 when the parent has an occupation position of Not stated/unknown.
GParent Guardian 2 OccupationCode used for the occupation of the father.
  • This field is defined using the Occupation Position drop-down list on the Parent 1 or Parent 2 sub-tab of the Demographic tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Demographic tab.

    Note: Synergetic applies logic defined by the Commonwealth Government to identify Parent 2, accordingly there will be instances where the parent number in the export may not correspond with the sub-tab name.

  • This field has a value of:

    • 1 when the parent has an occupation position of Senior management.
    • 2 when the parent has an occupation position of Other business manager.
    • 3 when the parent has an occupation position of Tradesperson, clerk, sales and service staff.
    • 4 when the parent has an occupation position of Machine operator.
    • 8 when the parent has an occupation position of Not in paid work.
    • 9 when the parent has an occupation position of Not stated/unknown.