UseEntryDate configuration setting
UseEntryDate configuration setting
Key | Value |
1 | PastStudents |
2 | PeerYear |
3 | UseEntryDate |
The UseEntryDate setting is used to determine which fields are used to set the past student's peer year, when transferring them:
- from the current students constituency
- to the past students constituency.
- Transferring a current student using Student Maintenance (Next Year Process) in the Current students manual
- Transferring a group of current students to past students (Next Year Process) in the Current students manual.
Default value
The default value is False.
The peer year is based on the:
- leaving year using the File Year specified when transferring:
- an individual student
- several students in bulk.
- plus YearsUntilGraduation value from the luYearLevel lookup table. See luYearLevel lookup table (Next Year Process).
Setting a different value
Select the Value field on the Configuration File Maintenance window to set the value to True. See Maintaining configuration files.
The current student's entry date is used to determine the peer year when they are transferred to past students. See Current Student Maintenance - Entry tab in the Current students manual.